[4] - b u r n i n g

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burning – dec '20

If my heart could make a sound,
I would say that it was similar to
the crackling sound from the bonfire.

If my heart could have emotion,
I would say that it was similar to
the burning flames in front of me.

If I could describe how I was feeling,
It would be similar to the searing fire; burning.

lee aeri

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"Thanks for inviting me, Jimin!" Yeona chirped before sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

Jimin smiled, "Anytime!" he said.

Yeona eyes couldn't ignore Ae-Ri's figure. Even if she was laughing along and smiling a lot, she was awfully quiet. She doesn't act like she usually act does at school; bright and loud.

Yeona couldn't help but to feel like she was intruding them, "and I'm sorry if any of you feel uncomfortable with me being here." She circled her thumbs on the surface of the cup.

Taehyung was quick with his respond, "It's okay! We enjoy your company! Right guys?" he asked around.

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Yeona's eyes only asked for Ae-Ri's approval. Ae-Ri didn't say anything or do anything; she was busy writing something on her book, "Ae-Ri?" Yeona called.

All eyes were on Ae-Ri who was still scribbling her thoughts away until Jungkook nudged her on the side. She finally looked up, having a confused expression plastered on her face. Jungkook whispered what was happening and Ae-Ri finally made an eye contact after several hours they have been hanging out by the bonfire. Ae-Ri's lips curved into a smile, causing her cheeks to rise up. "I enjoy your company, Yeona. Thank you for coming along." Her voice softened.

Unknowingly, Ae-Ri hand traveled to the back of Taehyung's head and gently stroking him, "You made Taehyung really happy tonight. So, thank you." she said, eyes were originally glued on Taehyung but then landed on Yeona; she smiled.

Yeona sat there speechless; all she could think of was how Ae-Ri's eyes spoke something completely different from what her mouth was saying. Her eyes were soft yet something about them were just... painful.

Taehyung let Ae-Ri pamper him with her touch. It wasn't really something he never felt before. They weren't shy with skinships despite not having any relationship with each other. He put his teeth on display as he smiled widely from Ae-Ri's teases.

After that, the tables flipped. Yeona started to slowly quiet down while Ae-Ri gradually getting used to Yeona's company. There was something bothering her. Was it the way Ae-Ri was treating Taehyung? Or was it because of Taehyung didn't tell Ae-Ri about her? She couldn't really pin point what was really bothering her. So, she sat there on her seat while her mind was clearly wondering away.

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