Wei Zhan POV

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The night club usually filled with incoherent cheers, loud music and people dancing like there is no tomorrow suddenly fell into a dead silence as soon as he entered the club followed by his men. And no one or atleast the people who feared and cared for their lives, wouldn't offend The Yiling Patriarch aka Wei Zhan knowing the consequences of it so naturally no one dared to even move from their place making the way for the cold person without sparing a look at the crowd. But as he entered his private chamber that was reserved only for him and the doors closed. Everyone on the other side took a breath of relief and resumed their activities.

" Leave " Wei Zhan ordered his men as soon as he sat in his usual place where his usual drinks were neatly placed on the table being it a routine since. the usually impassive person looked more impassive than usual.

" But sir we were informed that Mr Lan can't make it today he has a Interview tomorrow morning" Reminded one of his bodyguards as the referred person already informed them prior

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" But sir we were informed that Mr Lan can't make it today he has a Interview tomorrow morning"
Reminded one of his bodyguards as the referred person already informed them prior.

" Just get the fuck out of here " he replied calmly but his men knew him better than that. So without uttering a single word, they left. As soon as they were out of the room the senior one among the group dailed a number

" Hello" came a voice as calm as a steady river

" Sir Mr Wei is in the night club right now and he made us leave the room ..... " the person trailed off because he knew, the person on the line knew what he meant to say

" Sigh! Fine! you people wait out side until I reach there, And don't you dare to take your eyes off ge Or else get ready to face the wrath madam Wei " the person on the line disconnected the call.

In the beginning they always thought that their boss was psycho who was obsessed with this boy but sometimes, it seemed like this other person also didn't care any less for his ge. But thinking about it again the said person has always been a kind soul that couldn't hurt anyone so or could bear to see anyone hurting because of him so may be he cared about the cold person because of he was too naïve, they assumed. Well, it was an never ending saga to define exactly what was their relationship. Glancing at the person inside, they could see that he was drinking more than usual. And the reason was today there wasn't Yibo by his side who would stop him from doing so, like he always does.

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