The End

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Wei Zhan POV

I opened my eyes when I felt I was being dragged through the steps and saw that Bodi was the one trying his best to take me to my room. I wanted to laugh at his plight but controlled myself and slightly balanced myself so that not much of my weight is on him making it easier for him. This is the only good thing I received from my family high alcohol tolerance. Even though he was dead tired of dragging me all the way to my room still, he tried  his best to lay me down on the bed softly as if I would get hurt if he drops me roughly. And soon he was eager to leave me, all alone in this house. So I caught his wrist and tried my best to act asleep ,even tried to fake a few snores and thank god he took the bait. Just then his phone rang wait! Who the hell is calling him and this time of night ,if it the guy from before Yubin or dustbin or whatever bin I swear I'm going to kill him, and my jealousy increased even more when Bodi lifted the phone. Wow! He speaks to this person as if he is some kind of god with so much respect. Just who in the hell is this person

Wait! Did he just say ' Madam Wei', my mom, why would she call him at this time and why does she even have his number in the first place ? And why is he talking to her as if they speak to each other every now and then, as if he was expecting her c...

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Wait! Did he just say ' Madam Wei', my mom, why would she call him at this time and why does she even have his number in the first place ? And why is he talking to her as if they speak to each other every now and then, as if he was expecting her call it was becoming really hard for me to keep my cool I had a lot of q to be asked but I couldn't not yet. And the next sentence he spoke shook me to the core why in the world would he leave me and why was he even asking permission from her to stay with me tonight and what's about the 'I will never show you my face again thing.' After that he thanked her may for giving him the permission to stay then I heard him crying. Just what the hell is happening here.

And then I felt him cupping my cheeks as if I was the most precious and delicate thing in the world but the words he spoke next made my heart cry in happiness. Every time he said he loved me my heart leapt in joy. Wait what does he mean by he loved me since fourteen isn't it the same year I realised what my feelings for him. But then the question is..  Why did he reject me when I proposed him? And what is the decision he is talking about? And what is the price? Wait my mother wants to choose a bride for me? As if I would ever look at someone other than my Bodi. Can someone make this stupid boy understand that he is my happiness and without him even all the greatest things in the world mean nothing but trash to me.

Hearing his confession I concluded three points, First my mother played a very big role in the reason why he rejected me. Second he is planning on leaving me tomorrow, As If I would ever let him. Even if he did, I would even tears apart the whole world to find him. My innocent love people don't call me The yiling patriarch for nothing my dear. Third and the most important and the part I liked the most he loves me. And he was thinking that he would go away from me and I would let him (smirk) if I didn't let him go even when he said that he saw me as a brother, does he really think I will let him go away from my eyes even for a second after knowing that he too loves me, Never. And why the hell am I even continuing my drama still as I was about to open my eyes I felt him kiss my forehead and I expected him to continue, but being the innocent soul he is, he was about to pull away when I caught the nape of his neck and kissed him.

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