the morning after part II

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I emerged from the steaming shower feeling refreshed and ready. I strolled out of the bathroom with a white towel hanging off my waist, my blonde hair dripping, water trickling down my stomach. I glanced over to the bed seeing Maddy laying down reading a book on the care of the magical creatures. she looks angelic, at peace, content with her head buried in a book. I walked over to the wardrobe grabbing a set of clothes.

"Hey, where did the others go?" I questioned Maddy. Her eyes travelled around the room noticing only now that we were alone. 

"I'm not too sure, once your dressed we can go looking for them" she smiled warmly. My beautiful Maddy, my girlfriend Maddy. I quickly got dressed and sprayed some cologne. 

"I'm dressed angel, ready to go?" I asked 

"yep let me just grab my book bag" she answered, grabbing both our book bags "your royal highness," she said jokingly bowing down passing me my bag

"Why thank you young lady" I joked back. Maddy opened the bedroom door as we both left, shutting it behind us, we strolled down the corridor holding hands hearing whispers from other students about us. I smirked knowing what the boys were thinking in their pervy minds about my beautiful girl was what I was seeing or feeling every night. Whether it was her gorgeous naked figure underneath me like the night before or feeling her warm, soft skin against mine as I cuddle her to sleep, either way, none of those pervy boys would ever experience what it's like to be with Maddy because I'm never losing her, that I'm sure of. We arrived at the Slytherin common room, slowly opening the door as it was still the early hours of the morning. Sprawled across the sofa's were our friends, James and Sky on one sofa cuddled together, James holding her as nothing could ever hurt her again, Sky's leg wrapped around him and her face nestled into his neck. Blaise and Bella cuddled on the other sofa but not as romantically as James and Sky, Bella had her arm in Blaise's face and her leg across the other half of him, Blaise was crammed into the corner of the sofa looking extremely uncomfortable. It was a Saturday so we had no classes today

"Wingardium Leviosa" Maddy muttered, lifting up Bella's leg from Blaise's stomach. 

"morning" we heard Sky whisper, pushing her way out of James's neck

"Morning sunshine" Maddy whispered to her, "Its Saturday we have no classes today so do you wanna go back to the room?" 

"Yeah let's wake the others up though" Sky replied groggily. Maddy nodded in agreement as she woke everyone else up. Slowly one by one they all woke up and shuffled back to the bedroom. Maddy chuckled as James walked into the doorframe. 

"Hey baby, do you want to have a movie day in bed together with some sweets?" I asked her

"that would be perfect Dray" Maddy replied walking slowly into my arms, kissing my lips softly. Suddenly, we heard this god awful screech, Maddy pulled away diverting her attention to whoever or whatever made the noise. To no one's surprise, It was pug-face Parkinson. Maddy rolled her eye's clearly not prepared for this at 6:30 am. 

"Oh for the love of merlin, what do you want?"  Maddy snapped at her


"I would never be with you Pansy, so get that little fantasy out of your head," I said

"Listen bitch, Draco has a real woman now okay, Not some pathetic little girl like yourself so I suggest you leave him alone or you'll get a repeat of last time with some added specials just for toads just like you" Maddy seethed clearly pissed off. Pansy ascended back up the staircase crying and wailing. Maddy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the Common Room. I lead her down the corridor to a secret place I knew, The room of requirement. The door appeared, letting us both enter. In the room stood a large four-post bed, a large cupboard with a tv on it, A fridge full of snacks and drinks for my angel. Maddy jumped onto the bed, snuggling beneath the comfy sheets. I followed suit removing both our shoes. 

"Accio pyjamas" Maddy whispered pointing her wand at herself. Her body became covered in a pair of pink silk shorts and a white tank top. I slipped my shirt off and trousers, leaving me in boxers. I slipped under the sheets with Maddy, her long hair sprawled around the pillow. I turned my body towards her and ran my hand through her hair, kissing her forehead softly. She let out a breath and kissed my lips.

"what do you want to watch first my love?" I questioned her

"Can we watch Adams Family Values please?" she asked in the smallest voice 

"of course darling" i answered putting the film on 

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