Locking pain away and Tanjiro's confession

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     "Oh I'm so happy! I'm going to go tell the doctor that you're finally awake!" He beamed, his beautiful eyes sparkling. When he turned around to tell the doctor, I noticed him limp. I spotted the bandage bound tight around his calf. "Tanjiro....did you get injured?" I mumbled, since speaking loudly hurt my head and throat. He turned around, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Well, yeah. But it's just a scratch, nothing serious." I raised an eyebrow. "Mhm. And if it's just a scratch, tell me why you are limping and there's a big fat bandage around there." I retorted disbelievingly. still keeping my voice low, as my head was starting to spin. "Fine...I got hit by a bullet from the gun. By your dad." He spat out that word like it was poison. Dad? Oh no, it must have been because he got hit when he was carrying me....it's all my fault he got hurt....I shouldn't have screamed....then he won't have been hit by a bullet. Before I knew it, tears were cascading down my cheek already. I'm surprisingly emotional around him. How weak. Where's your blank face when you need it. I thought glumly. "I'm sorry you got injured because of me....it's all my fault, I'm hopeless and selfish....I'm sorry Tanjiro....you got hurt because of me." You mumble out. Turning away from the person you had chosen to live for. Because you were the one who had caused a bullet to bite down onto his leg and make him limp like that. And he must have had surgery to get the bullet removed! Oh my god, the cost and....I'm probably just a burden to him. I felt his arms wrapped around me and my eyes widened. Good god did I say that out loud? "Y/N, it's not your fault. And my injury wasn't too bad, besides, it's nothing compared to yours. Three stabs, sprained ankle, concussion, lack of sleep and food, severe blood loss, multiple cuts and bruises, and....depression." I stayed silent as I listened to him. "You must have been so strong Y/N, to be able to go through all that." His hands softly caressed my hair, stroking it gently. I felt my whole body relax under his soothing voice and touch. How long has it been since someone did this to me? "Of course you aren't a burden to me, in fact you're the complete opposite of it! And also about the cost, we're suing him." He pursed his lips, a frown etched onto his face. My eyes snapped open, the calm feeling instantly dissipating. What. "Are you okay with that? I just can't stand by and pretend nothing happened. He deserves it, after treating you this badly. But I won't do it if you don't want to." He held my hand as he waited for my response. TBH it was kind of hard to think properly with him holding my hand and my head pounding like crazy. I didn't know what I was feeling. Happy, and worried that he cared about me to risk his life. Scared that my father would torture me if the case was rejected. Hopeful that this might be the end of my suffering. Live your life to the fullest, spend it with people you love, make a change in the world! Then you would have lived a meaningful life. My mother's words echoed in my mind. I gripped his hand tightly. "Let's do it."

~~A time skip brought to you by an author who has no clue what to put in between~~~( ̄▽ ̄)~

     Finally it was the day of the trail. The previous days had been exhausting, I had to give my account on my father, Tanjiro was serving as a witness and so were my neighbors and people who had seen what had happened. Police went to take my father into custody and sweep the house for evidence, security cameras outside my house were reviewed and lawyers were called up. Outside of court, Tanjiro held my hand. All through the past few days, he had always been there for me. Calming me down when I got a panic attack, and checking up on me very regularly when we were separated, and helping me regain my strength. For now though, I was sitting in a wheelchair, as walking got really painful after a few steps. "Don't worry Y/N, we've got more than enough evidence, the judge will definitely accept this case. After that, your father won't be able to hurt you anymore!" He flashed his bright smile at me, and I calmed down a little, although teeny butterflies were still whirling around my stomach. (Please forgive me if the account of being in court is unrealistic and completely nutty as this author has never seen one.) The judge announced loudly, "Mrs Kamado is here to sue (Fathers/name)for attempted rape, abuse, unauthorized use of guns and stabbing of Y/N L/N and Kamado Tanjiro. Please state your evidence." Tanjiro pushed me forward and I said, "After coming home from school with Tanjiro, my father pulled off my shirt and skirt and threatened me with a knife. When I screamed, he stabbed me with the kitchen knife in the shoulder blade and back. I lost consciousness after seeing Tanjiro charge through the front door, and only saw a little of what happened after that." Tanjiro continued, "I broke through the door after hearing screams from Y/N and saw her father stabbing her in the back with almost all her clothes off, I fought him and he kicked me back, stabbing Y/N in her leg, I chopped him on the neck, carried and ran out the house as she was losing a lot of blood. When I turned back, he had a gun and was firing at us. One of his bullets hit my leg." "THAT'S A LIE!" I heard a loud bellow tear across the room from where my father was. He was tied to the chair and just seething with anger as he fought to get rid of the rope. His bloodshot eyes gleaming maniacally as he screamed, "THOSE STUPID KIDS CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!" "Silence!" The judge called out. My doctor stepped forward. "Y/N L/N bears sign of starvation and lack of sleep. Three stab marks are located at her shoulder, back and leg. She has a sprained ankle and a concussion that has not been treated properly. Cuts and bruises are also present on her body. Tanjiro had a bullet inside his calf." My fathers face blanched, face turning a bit pale. A policeman stepped up next. "My team ran a thorough investigation of the area. Firstly, her house is littered with broken glass and we discovered multiple packets of marijuana hidden. The electricity, water, and gas supply has been cut off, meaning that she had no electricity, no gas to cook and no water to drink. There was no bed and a bloody kitchen knife was found stuffed under a cupboard, including a bloody belt. Bullets have been found impeded onto the sidewalk and trees along the road to the hospital. Witnesses have reported a crazy man with a gun chasing two teens, one boy and one injured girl, which I believe, describes them." He concluded, nodding toward us. My father was now slumped in his chair, trembling like a leaf now. The judge glared at my father. The game was up and we all knew it. However, the judge turned back to me and asked, "How does your father treat you at home?" I froze. Tanjiro, sensing my panic, squatted down next to me and began stroking my head, while holding my hand. I could almost sense him telling me silently that I could do it. Courage. "When I get home from school, I have to keep completely silent or he would wake up. If he wakes up, he would take his belt and whip me, or smash a bottle on my arms. We don't even have any electricity, so I can't do my work sometimes. The pain usually keeps me up all night, so I suffer from lack of sleep. Sometimes I don't eat for days. I'm so hungry it feels like monsters are gnawing away at me inside." By now you were sobbing onto Tanjiro's shoulders, reliving those awful moments where living seemed like the worst kind of torture possible. "He will throw plates at me if I do something wrong and he sold my bed, my closet, almost all my items to get money. There was once, he threw a chair at me and then beat me with the frying pan for hours because I looked like my mother and it was all my fault she's gone...." You couldn't continue anymore, overwhelmed by great torrents of tears and the despair rushing out of you as the memories haunt you. You felt Tanjiro's arms around you and his sweet whispers into your ear went."Shhh Y/N, it's ok now, it's all over, nobody ever going to do that to you ever again, ok?" Gazing into his lovely brown eyes, you calmed down. "Thank you Tanjiro" You mumble softly. The judge cleared his throat. "(Father's name) is sentenced to a lifetime of jail, for attempted rape, abuse, neglect, harboring illegal drugs, unauthorized use of guns, and stabbing." Hearing that was like a load off you mind and heart. You gripped Tanjiro's hand as the reality of what is going to happen sunk in. No more abuse. No more days of starvation or sleepless nights. No more insults and beatings and shouts or swearing. Tears of gratitude and relief coursed down you face as you smiled at Tanjiro. "Thank you so so much Tanjro. How can I ever repay you?" He blushed and faced you. "Y/N....I-uh well, I love you Y/N, a-and would you please be my girlfriend and stay w-with me forever?" You blinked in surprise while trying to stop the red hue spreading over your cheeks. Do I love him? You thought back on the way your heart fluttered near him, the way you were so attracted to him. He is kind, sweet, loving, brave and loyal. The way I saw my world in his eyes and the way he smiled made me so happy...."Tanjiro...." You whisper softly. You fling your arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips. When you break away, you gaze into his deep brown eyes and mumble, "I love you too."

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