TWELVE, starting of a new bond.

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"U-uhm actually, I don't think I can"

Jimin raised his eyebrow at that.

"I mean, I can't" she corrected herself "I only took one shift off to see you, I still have my second shift to go for."

He gazed at her "Why not take the second shift off as well? You...look so tired Jen" he said the last sentence softly, and she gave an awkward smile.

"I can't afford to. I need the money"

Never had so much guilt eaten Jimin up alive "...Right"

Both were silent for a while, contemplating on what to do, or actually say, next. That was until Seo Ha piped up, tired of being left in the dark.

"Mommy, are we playing with Uncle Chim today?"

Jennie didn't know what to say "Honey... I wish we could but I have work today"

The child pouted, successfully melting both their hearts "But mommy, it's been so long since I played with you also"

"Mommy is busy, darling, I'm so.. I'm so sorry" she whispered in a defeated manner. She really couldn't do anything, she was that helpless. Jimin watched the sight, the guilt not leaving.

Seo Ha smiled sadly "I understand, mommy" he paused, before his smile suddenly turned wider and happier "Then can I play with Uncle Chim today?"

Jennie was slightly taken aback, and so was Jimin. Seo Ha was generally a shy child, but he had really warmed up to him quickly.

Must be the bag of lollipops he got, she thought gruffly, bribery, I say.

"Yeah Jen" Jimin said gently "Why not leave him with me? I'll bring him to Chaeyoung's later"

Seo Ha nodded eagerly at what he said, turning to Jennie and widened his eyes to worm his way into his mother's graces. The said brunette frowned, knowing exactly what her son was trying to, but couldn't find the willpower to resist his puppy eyes either.

After a minute of contemplation, she sighed, relenting. She trusted Jimin, she knew he would take care of her son. Hell, it's his son too - that being another strong reason for her relenting. He deserved to have time to bond with his son, especially since he missed the last four years of his son's life.

"Okay" she gave her permission and Seo Ha squealed, hugging his mothers waist, "Thank you mommy!"

A wide smile was on his face, as well as Jimin's, and once again Jennie was taken aback by the striking resemblance in their eyes smiles. She let out a grin of her own as Seo Ha scrambled from her lap to Jimin's, who held him securely in his arms.

Jennie glanced at the time, it was already 1030 am. She had to be at her workplace by 1 and wanted to snatch some sleep before it. She stood up, glancing at her son and Jimin "I better get going then, I have work at 1 pm. I'll come to collect Seo Ha at 8." She paused "Could you feed him dinner by then?"

"Of course" he reassured her, while stroking his son's soft hair "And I'll drop him off at Chaeyoung's later. Do you want to stay here until then? I can drop you off at your workplace later" he offered, hoping she would say yes.

She paused, actually considering the offer before shaking her head.

"No it's okay. I need to change into my uniform before going and it's at Chae's apartment."

He pursed his lips, before conceding "Alright then, let me at least drop you off at her flat"

She agreed after a few moments, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Let's go then" she gestured, and Jimin nodded, carrying Seo Ha in his arms as he stood up. Jennie wished she could capture a photo of the sight, but didn't in the end.

They both walked in comfortable silence to the car Jimin had rented temporarily for his stay.

Seo Ha climbed on to the back seat and Jennie sat in front, feeling the softness of the leather and sighing in content. It had been so long since she had even been in a car.

"Jen, your- nevermind-" Jennie turned her head to see Jimin extremely close to her, and her breath automatically hitched.

"H-uh-" she managed to stutter out as his warm breath tickled her face, just before he leaned further forward and buckled her seatbelt for her. She visibly relaxed at that, as he retracted himself, his warmth and the comfort of his cologne leaving with him.

It took her a moment to realise, the little shit had done that on purpose to make her nervous.

She turned around and scowled at the guy, who was clearly ignoring her glare as he started the car, but had a small smirk on his face.

If her son comes back today with a sassy and cocky attitude, she clearly would know who it was from alright.


pls pray i update within a week (and tysm yall for sticking around wtf i love yall sm ??? 🥺)

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