Chapter 10

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I jolt up and instantly get a headache in return. I put my hand on my head while breathing heavily. My ears ring and I feel a hand slowly and gently help me lay back down. My eyes flutter open and I slowly look around as my ears stop ringing. "Easy...." I her Travis' voice. Tears well in my eyes as flashbacks appear in my mind.

I snap my head over to where I heard Travis' voice a minute ago. He looks exhausted. My breaths become heavy. "Kate......" I say. My voice is raspy and scratchy. "You both inhaled a lot of smoke. Last I heard, she's okay right now. You both are hanging on by a string." Travis says.

Tears slip from my eyes. My voice is hoarse and raspy. "Can I see her?" I ask him. "I can ask if they can move her bed in here." Travis asks and I nod. "If you ever do that again, I'll have to kill you myself." Travis says. "I'm sorry. They weren't gonna save her" I say, referring to the firefighters.

I cough a few times and a doctor comes in with a clipboard. "Hi. I'm doctor Jones. I'm glad to see you're awake. So, you inhaled a lot of smoke and it can take time for you're lungs to heal. With all the smoke you inhaled, you can suffer from asthma or heart disease. I'm glad to say you don't have heart disease, but we're not sure about the asthma, which we can check later.

You may also notice shortness of breath from now on too. I wouldn't worry about that much though because thats not always common. Any questions?" The doctor asks. "Can we have her aunt moved in here or her moved to her aunt?" Travis asks. "I think it'd be better to go ahead and move her since shes awake." The doctor says motioning to me.

"That's fine." Travis says. "Okay. Give me a minute and I'll go get some nurses to help." The doctor says with a small smile. He exits the room and I lay back and close my eyes, feeling tired.

"How long have I been here?" I ask. "2 days." Travis says. "Have you slept?" I ask. "A little." He says. "Have you..... been here.. the whole time?" I ask. "I mean, I don't really have anything else to do." He says. My eyes snap open and I playfully slap his arm. "You didn't have to do that!" I say and he laughs.

"Well, I - um - I like you.." Travis says. "I like you too..." I say as I look in his eyes. He slowly starts leaning down and our lips barely touch and Anne runs in the door. "Okay so- oh - can we not smoke share please?" She asks. I laugh. She runs over to me and hugs me.

After a few minutes of joking around, some nurses walk in. Travis rolls my IV and the nurses roll the bed. We enter a room and they place my bed beside Kates. I look over to Kate after the nurses move out of the way and leave. Her head turns and her eyes slowly open.

"Kayla?" Her raspy voice asks. "Yeah..." I say. "You saved me!" She gasps. "You could have died!" She says and she slaps my hand. "I wasn't gonna let you die.." I say. She reaches her hand over to me and we hold hands. As I slowly fall asleep, I feel her grip loosen which signals shes falling asleep to.

 As I slowly fall asleep, I feel her grip loosen which signals shes falling asleep to

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I wake up and look around. Travis is sleeping in a chair and Kate is also sleeping. I have to pee. I easily let go of Aunt Kates hand and sit up from my laying position. I slowly stand up and my left leg feels like it's on fire. I hold in a breath and bite my tongue as I limp to the bathroom.

Once I get in I sit down. I look at my leg and theres a cast on it. I didn't think I broke it. After doing my business, I stand up and walk to the sink. I look in the mirror at my miserable looking face. I look like I just hit rock bottom.

I wash my face and walk out of the bathroom. I go back and sit on the bed. I lay and stare at the ceiling for what feels like forever until I hear a heart monitor going off...

I Trust You, Travis WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now