Chapter Eleven- On the Road Again

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Amy P.O.V.

Sunlight streams through my window. I blink and sit up uneasily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I yawn widely and brush my dark, dark brown hair out of my face. I glance over at the small digital clock on my bedside table. 8:32 am. Suddenly, I snap awake. This is it. We're leaving today. We're finally going to find my friend, avenge my family, and get me out of my deal. Everything is finally starting to fall into place.

I shake Sam's shoulder beside me. "Sam? Sam, wake up!" He sits up groggily and blinks a few times. "Sam, we're leaving this morning!" I whisper to him loudly. His eyes widen in recognition and we jump out of bed. We rush into the main room.

Cas and Dean fell asleep cuddling on the couch, arms wrapped around one another, Cas' face nestled into Dean's chest. I smile softly to myself. "I thought that angels didn't sleep," Sam says to me.

"They do not," Cas deadpans from his spot next to Dean. I chuckle.

"Come on, you two, we have to leave soon." Cas sits up and pouts, then taps Dean's shoulder.

"Dean, Dean, wake up," Dean protests before hesitantly getting off the couch. I turn to Sam and interlock our fingers. "Come on, let's go check on Bobby," I say, giving him a peck on the cheek before leading him to Bobby's room.

Sam lifts his hand that isn't holding mine up to knock on the door, but it opens before he does. Bobby stands in the doorway, fully clothed, beard combed, trucker hat on. "Bobby, did you ever fall asleep last night?" I ask with hints of concern laced in my words. He shrugs.

"Got a few hours in, woke up a while ago. 'Ve been tracking Mr Hot Shot himself for ya," he shows up a map on the wall full of small pins and flags. "Each flag represents signs of demonic happenings. Dead cattle, electric storms, disappearances, you name it." Sam nods in understanding. I point to a heavy concentration of flags in Iowa.

"I'm guessing that's where we're heading?"

Bobby nods. "Abandoned village by the name of Hinkletown. It used to be a proper settlement with a school back in the 1800's, although now it's not much but a bunch of abandoned buildings. That's a ghost town, that is." Sam shakes his head.

"But why would Crowley and his goons gather there?"

I shrug. "Probably isolation, I guess. How long will it take to drive there?"

Bobby strokes his beard. "With speeding and shortcuts, you could probably get there in a few hours."

Sam nods. "I'll get Dean."


We all convene in the living room for one last time before we leave. Sam and I explained the plan to Dean and Cas. "I could just transport us there," Cas offers, reaching out his hand to touch Dean's forehead. Dean recoils and puts a finger to his lips.

"No! The last time you zapped us somewhere with your angel mojo, I couldn't poop for a week!" Sam snickers. Dean rolls his eyes.

"So, what's the name of the town again?" He asks.

"Hinkletown," I reply. Dean chuckles.


"Shut up, Dean."

The brothers continue in their playful banter as I sigh and roll my eyes. "Come on, Cas. We should at least start getting things we packed last night to the Impala." The angel nods and we walk down the steps to the cold basement below. I catch sight of the metal door blown off its hinges across the room and bite my lip. We are going to find Alex. I will find her and kill Crowley, if it's the last thing I do.

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