1. That's What She Said

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"Hiya Jasper, i've got a question for you" I giggled as I skipped inside the Cullen's house and jumped on Jasper's back.

"Ask away..?" He said reluctantly once I got off his back.

"Do you think ghosts exist?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

A small smirked spread across his face and he replied with a 'No'.

"But don't you have a cousin named Casper?" I winked.

He rolled his eyes and began to tickle me, making me fall down on the floor.

"That laugh? I know that one!" I heard Emmett's voice rang from upstairs. After some loud footsteps coming from upstairs, Emmett showed up in front of me and picked me up, wrapping me in a big bear hug.

"Emmett... i'm half human. Can't.. breath" I chocked out.

He immediately let go and began to apologize, which then somehow turned into teasing.

"Jasper, make me a sandwich woman!" I joked and licked his face. "Eww, you taste like... a cold statue" I giggled out.

"That's what she said" Emmett joked.

Rosalie laughed, making me realize she was now in the room, and hit the back of his head.

"Rosie" I smiled and hugged her.

"Iris" she said in the same tone I did.

I laughed and then began to remember why I was there.

"Oh, yeah, so.. Remember when I was here last time? Well, I accidentally forgot my History book and Jake said he'd come and pick it up. But all he did was come and snog with Nessie, so, uh.. I came to see if you guys still had it?" I told them.

Rosie nodded and began to walk up the stairs in her fast vampire speed. Giggling, I followed after her.

"I thought you came over to come hunting with me" Emmett's loud voice boomed from downstairs. I playfully rolled my eyes and thanked Rosie before 'walking' downstairs with my book.

"Ohh, that's sad. Emmy thought I came over to hunt with him" I teased him in a baby voice.

Yah know, the one you usually use when you're talking to babies...

He playfully rolled his eyes at me and left to go talk to Rosie. Damn, he's probably gonna go snitch on me..

"What's wrong?" Jasper asked me.

Damn, I forgot I was in the same room as a dude that could sense other's moods. Sometimes, I wonder how I even got into those AP classes.

"Huh? What are you talking about Jazz? I don't have a single clue of what you mean" I winked and plopped down on the couch next to him.

A small smirk spread across his face as I opened the book and began to read.

"Ah, I see. Reading a book about me" He winked.

I blushed a light pink and stuck my tongue out at him. He was about to say something else, but the door flew open.

"IRIS, You here?" Nessie's voice rang through the house.

I giggled as I saw her expression go from 'I have to tell you something' to 'Oh, Jasper and Iris sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G'.

"Don't even start," I warned her and pointed a finger at her accusingly.

Her smile widened and she began to sing the song, making me very uncomfortable since Jasper was sitting right next to me.

"Oh, shut up, Nessie," I began. "At least I haven't told your mommy and daddy about what you do with my brother whenever you come over to my house" I teased her.

"We only do homework!" she tried to cover up.

"Oh yeah? Because the sounds coming from his room state other wise" I teased her more and then laughed at Jasper's face expression.

"Iris!" She warned me in a low growl.

My eyes widened and I began to run away, in the direction of my house.

"I'M NOT MAKING YOU CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES ANYMORE" She jokingly shouted from a distance.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I shouted back and ran home.

A Jasper Hale Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now