chapter two

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I'm so sorry that it took so long to update this story. I wanted to put a lot of different things in this chapter and it took me soooo long to figure out which things to put into this chapter and which ones can be put on hold for awhile. At the beginning of this chapter their is some yummy yum yum, if you don't like then that's to freaking bad. Also there is going to be a time skip of about a month don't worry you'll know the time skip when it comes. Please comment on this chapter because I would like to know what you thought of it I would also like to know what you would like to be put in this story and what would make it better, if you have any ideas for this story or anything you want to say about it you can pm me and I will message you back. Anyways enough ranting on with the srory.
"Ahh papa please please give me more" Alekander pleaded as he held onto Mr. Gallows and begged him to thrust harder into his little hole. Alekander felt Mr. Gallows grab his hips in a bruising grip and thrust into him so hard that he began to roughly slide up and down the bed. "You like this don't you my pretty little slut" Mr. Gallows whispered into Alekabders ear before taking it between his teeth and nibbling on it. "Yes, yes I love it papa, please fuck your little slut more!" Alekander yelled in pure pleasure. Mr. Gallows moved around so that Alekander was riding his cock hard and fast. "Oh papa I-I'm going to c-cum!" Alekander screamed as pure white hot pleasure coursed through his veins as spurt after spurt of cum left him. Mr. Gallows held onto Alekander tighter as he came inside of the boy.

Alekander shot up in bed panting heavily while looking around the room. 'This is the fourth time I have woken in the middle of the nignt from having a wet dream about my new papa. It's getting really irritating waking up in the middle of the night with sticky cum filled underwear ' Alekander thought with a sigh as he got up to change his underwear.  I know it's wrong to be lusting after Mr. Gallows seeing as how he is my new papa and all, but I just can't help it. I have been living with him for two weeks now and it's great except for having to be near Mr. Gallows, every time I'm around him I feel as if I'll jump out of my skin or that in my crazed induced lust I'll rape him. Sometimes I think he looks at me with lust burning in his eyes but then reality hits me and I'm reminded that he has a girlfriend. Ah yes his girlfriend, yet another reason why it's wrong to want him. I will say this his girlfriend is very beautiful on the outside but the inside is ugly. I met her a few days after I moved in, now I tried to be polite with her but that didn't work out. When Mr. Gallows left the room she went on and on about how he was going to marry her and once they were married she would have me thrown back into whatever trash heap I whored my way out of. Oh how she was pissed when I told her that just because she whores herself into people's lives doesn't mean that everyone else did. Until that point I never knew that a persons face could get so red. I couldn't tell if her face was red in embarrassment or hatred, I could have cared less because at that moment I was to busy trying not to laugh in her face. I had to leave the room so that the urge to laugh would die down. 

Even though that woman Mr. Gallows calls a girlfriend is hateful I have no doubt in my mind that once they do get married, perhaps even before that I will no longer be living in this house. If Mr. Gallows was forced to choose between his girlfriend or me he would without a doubt choose his girlfriend. It will happen and when it does I'll be living on the streets because I'll be to old to go back and live at the orphanage. So for now I will pretend that, that conversation never happened and enjoy my life now for as long as I possibly can before everything comes crashing down around me and I'm the only one left broken into pieces. If and when I'm forced to leave this place I know I will never be the same because my hope that things will be better will shatter for me.

A month has passed by and my life is a living he'll. Mr. Gallows girlfriend and her two sons have moved in and they abuse me every day. I know I should tell Mr. Gallows but he treats those boys as if they are his real children and he has this image of them that they are absolutely perfect. I'm afraid that if I tell him he won't believe me and if he does then it will shatter his image of them and break his heart and I don't want to be the cause of his pain. Some of the staff had tried to help me out but Mr. Gallows girlfriend told them that if they helped me that they would be fired. After that none of them helped me unless they were sure that the bitch and her children were gone, and I understand why the help didn't want to help me, they needed their jobs to support their families.

"Here sweety I brought you some lunch since the bitch and her hellions have gone to the theme park today with Mr. Gallows" said Margaret. Margaret is a maid and no matter what the bitch threatens her with she still tries to take care of me and I'm grateful for that. I also like that I got to keep the big room Mr. Gallows gave me when I first moved here after he found out what room the head maid gave me to stay in. The thing I like about this room is that no one other than me or Mr. Gallows can get in which means that I have to be there to let the maids clean my room. It also means that the evil bitch and her devil spawn can't get in here so I'm safe. Mr. Gallows hasn't paid me any attention since the bitch and her children arrived, ever since they came to live here everything has always been about them, there is no room for me here. Truthfully I wonder why Mr. Gallows hasn't sent me back to the orphanage yet, I know I wouldn't be there long but there is no need for me at this place. Maybe he has just forgotten all about my existence, I mean it didn't seem as if he really cared that I was here to begin with. I just have to keep telling myself that it doesn't matter and that I'll begone as soon as I turn eighteen. I know for sure that Margaret will miss me and maybe the cook but that's it. god my life is just one big suckish hell hole in this world.
so that's the end for this chapter, sorry the ending sucked I kind of got off track. Anyways tell me what you think about the story so far.

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