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Reds and yellows cover the sky. Sounds of vicious waves crashing fills my ears. The cold bottle of vodka lays in my pale hands as I drop my head back and I drink the rest of the liquid that once laid in the bottle. A soft laugh leaves my my mouth, what the hell have I done with my life, it's like one big joke.

The beach was beautiful at this time, mysterious but also dark and scary. Scrambling to my feet I start to walk home. The lamp posts flood the streets with light but not enough for me to see what lurks in the dark.

15 minutes pass by and I'm finally at my home, standing on the doorstep i wonder if I actually want to go back home, I wouldn't mind just hanging out here. I inhale a breath of the fresh air and quietly open the front door, shutting it behind me I jump at a crashing noise.shit. I'm dead if my parent find out.

Reaching for the stairs as quickly as possible my nerves start to calm when I see it was just my silly cat. Bouncing in front of me and chasing her little tail I scoop her up in my arms.
"Shhh. You can't wake them up," I say softly
She nuzzles her head into the crook of my arms and I make my way up the stairs.

My back makes contact with the soft quilt that covers my bed. Spider (my cat) jumps and licks my face, ticking her tummy she relaxes and starts to nuzzle into my covers. I soon notice the time 3:47am, we have school tomorrow in fact my new school, I'm dreading it. My long mousy blonde hair falls in messy waves down my back, which I tie up in a bun. I reach for what use to be my dads t shirt, now my pj t-shirt and put it on, taking my bottoms off leaving me in his huge shirt with my pants. I really couldn't be bothered to find some bottoms so I just cuddle in bed with spider. Soon sleep overtakes me.

Sorry about the length, I hope to make them longer soon. I will really appreciate it if you could vote and comment. To be honest I'm not to sure were this story is going but I swear I'll try and make it good :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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