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"Now, everyone, we currently have 143 specified slot cards of 90 types. This is the result of all your efforts, gentlemen! Well done! If the remaining 10 cards, we know the locations of 7. They're as good as ours. However, Tsezuguerra's group has also obtained an equal number of specified slot cards. The final hurdle will likely be a showdown against their group. But I believe we have more, and better, spell cards! Gentlemen, our victory is near!"

Lots of people cheered at Nickes' outburst.

Genthru raised his hand slightly. "Can I say something?" He asked before Nickes and him switched places. (Y/N) was right next to the blond. "These five years have been so long, yet so short. There's something I must tell you."

Genthru pushed up his glasses slightly as a small smirk appeared on his face.

"I am the Bomber."

Everyone stared at Genthru with confusion. They couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but, some people were already on edge.

"What? The Bomber?" People muttered. "Hey, what are you talking about?" Nickes asked as he looked at Genthru. "Now, now. Hear me out." Genthru silently stopped the small group behind him.

"I've planted bombs on all of you." The smirk plastered on his face widened slightly as he saw uncertainty in everyone's eyes. (Y/N) remained silent underneath his mask, making people concerned for him.

"What was that?"
"How did you do that?"
"Stop messing around!"
"Get away from him, (Y/N)!"
"Calm down and just listen."

Jispa wasn't having any of it when he saw (Y/N) never moved. The male was immediately behind Genthru, ready to attack. However, the blond already knew this. He grabbed Jispa's face and made it explode.

It was made clear.

Genthru was the Bomber

The blond let Jispa fall to the floor. His body thumped against the floor. Jispa's hands immediately covered his charred face as he writhed in pain silently. (Y/N) looked from Jispa back to the crowd in front. They were soon growing suspicious of him, too.

"Oh, man. You've disrupted the proper sequence of my explanation. This is my power. Little Flower."


Handful Of Gunpowder
Little Flower


"As you just saw, I can blow up anything I grab with my hand. But it isn't very strong. He's still alive." Genthru looked at the writhing Jispa with a sinister grin before he looked back to the small group in front of him.

"However, if the bombs on your bodies explode..."

Genthru's pupils seemed to look crazed as he looked at the small group.

"You will die."

People were starting to panic even more. "A bomb? Where is it?" People hastily asked as they looked at their bodies for any bombs. They were confused to see that there weren't any.

"I'll now tell you how to disarm the bombs." Genthru said as he turned to the group behind him with a close eyed smile. "Let's start with how I set them. That was by touching the place on the target I wanted to explode, and saying a certain keyword. The keyword is...


The people were definitely starting to remember when Genthru touched them while saying the word, "Bomber"

Bomb Devils x Male Child! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now