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I walked alongside Megumi, as we recovered the cursed object. "A thermometer shed?!" Megumi questioned.

"You're telling me someone's keeping a special grade cursed object in a place like this?" I asked Gojo on speaker phone.

The older male laughed, "Recovering it should be no problem then!" Our teacher told us.

I open the small doors to the shed to reveal nothing inside, "There's nothing here..." I said.

"The shed is empty." My brother said,

"For real? That's hilarious!" Gojo laughed at our situation.

"I'm gonna punch you." The two of us said in unison with irritation on our faces.

"No going home until it's recovered, okay?" Gojo reminded us.

~Time Skip~

Megumi and I walked near the abandoned rugby field, "What's with this rugby field?" I asked out loud.

"Is there a dead body buried here or something?" My brother asked and I nodded in agreement. We took notice of the curse that was hanging onto the goal post, "I wonder if it has anything to do with the cursed object..."

"Most likely since the object is gone." I suggested. "Dammit! The presence is too big! Are you having any luck?"

Megumi shook his head, "At this rate, sneaking in might have been pointless." He said while looking at his phone. "This special grade cursed object..."

"What a pain!" I finished his sentence. "What if we close off the school?"

"We'll be able to check every nook and cranny for it then..." he said.

We overheard a few students who were running across the pathway. Megumi and I decided to check out what's with all the commotion. Standing behind the students, we observed a teacher throw a weighted ball fourteen meters. It was now a students turn to throw the ball, the teacher looked very confident in winning. The student threw the heavy ball into a soccer goal and caused a dent into it. "Where did all that strength come from?" I asked aloud.

"Maybe he's like Zen'in senpai?" I agreed with Megumi as we moved away from the crowd to try and complete our mission. The guy with the inhuman strength passed by us and I felt the presence. I quickly turned around, "Hey, you!" My brother called out.

"How is he running so fast?!" I questioned.

"He apparently runs the 50 meter dash in three seconds.." A bald guy stated.

"What is he, a car?" A student wearing a bandana asked.

"Crap!" Megumi mumbled. I could only let out a grunt in irritation.

~Time Skip~

We located the male at Sugisawa Hospital and learned his name, "Yuji Itadori, correct?" Megumi asked.

"We're from Jujutsu high school. Sorry, but there's no time." I said.

"The cursed object you have is extremely dangerous. Hand it over right away." My brother stated.

"Cursed object?" Itadori asked, confused. The three of us moved to a more secluded area.

"This. you have it right?" I said as I pulled out my phone with a picture of the cursed object.

"hm?" Itadori looked closer. "Oh yeah! I found it. I don't really mind giving it back, but my fellow club members have taken a liking to it." He started to explain. "I'd at least like an explanation."

"The majority are the result of negative energy that flows out of people..." Megumi started.

"The result of a curse..." I finished.

"A curse?" Itadori didn't look convinced.

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not!" My brother was getting frustrated.

"Anyway, places where crowds gather, like schools or hospitals are susceptible to receiving that energy." I explained. "Pain, regret, humiliation... The more people dwell on bad memories..."

"The more these places become receptive to those feelings." Megumi took over the explanation. "For that reason, a curse object is often found at such places as a talisman. The object you found is such an item."

"A talisman? Isn't that a good thing? How's that dangerous?" The black and pink haired male asked.

"The more evil placed on a cursed object, the more it deflects other curses. Using poison to fend off poison."

"After many years, the seal weakens and the talisman essentially changes form. Then it attracts curses and feeds on them."

Compared to other cursed objects, the one placed at your school is extremely dangerous and is categorized as a special grade."

"Now, before anyone dies... hand it over." Megumi demanded.

"Like I said, I don't care." Itadori said as he tossed the narrow box to us. "But you better explain this to my friends!"

My eyes went wide when Megumi opened the box to reveal nothing inside. 'We chased...the cursed energy...lingering inside the box?!' Megumi and I had the same thoughts.

Megumi grabbed a hold of the front of the males hood, "Where are the contents?!" We yelled at the duel haired male.

"Like I said! The occult research club has it!" Itadori yelled back.

"Where do the members live?!" I asked with irritation in my voice.

"Not sure...somewhere over in the Izumi Distri..." He didn't finish his sentence as he realized something.

"What's wrong?" Megumi asked.

"They mentioned something about...peeling off the seal tonight at school." Itadori said uneasy. "Um...Is that bad?"

"It's not just bad..." I started.

"They'll die!" My brother finished.

Yuji Itadori X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now