Lovely Magic (Tenmiko)

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Fluff ahead! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Tenko's POV

I was lost in though in the middle of class thinking of Himiko. She was the most innocent, cutest thing I have ever seen in my life! When I first met her my gay mind came back and I fastly developed feelings for the cute magician. I loved, and trusted her with every cell of my being. I have a love book that I keep at home filled with love poems and friendship pictures of me and her, of course I'm not a stalker I just love those memories and how close we have gotten. I was snapped out of my thinking as the bell rang. I got up and ran to go find Himiko. I saw her by her locker, so I walked slowly over to her making sure I don't scare her by accident. She peered over her shoulder and saw me walking to her and she smiled lightly before putting her last notebooks in her locker. "Hey Himiko!" I tried my best not to fangirl over her and I nearly failed. "So Tenko are you free after school?"

I was silent. is Himiko the girl I have a crush on asking me out? I felt exited yet nervous before answering I thought for a moment. "Yes I'm Free! Why do you ask Himiko?" Himiko seemed to lightly blush at the sudden question. "Well you know...for another hang out?" I smiled at her. "Lovely Then it's a date!" I realized what I just said and covered my mouth. "Nyeh? I guess we can start it off as a date..." I felt butterflies in my stomach, "Well I'll see you soon!" Himiko waved and headed to her next class.

Himiko's POV

I almost can't believe it! I'm going on a date with Tenko! I always dreamt of being with her but I thought that wouldn't happened, well I guess I did believe it would happen some day. I felt exited and started to practice the flowers magic trick. It probably was the trick I practiced most if I ever found my soulmate. I first thought my soulmate would be Ouma but I guess I was wrong when he started to date Shuichi, I can't lie they do make quite a couple! After that I though my new soulmate was Angie but she started to crush on the perverted girl, Miu to call her by her actual name. Then I came around to crush on my best friend. I decided maybe I can go without doing much magic? I don't know but I guess I can give her the flowers in person rather than making it appear out of my hat. I slowly started to walk around looking for at least an outline of Tenko. The bell rang so I started to head to the front of the school where the entrance was, I felt someone rest the palm of there hand on mine. I looked to see a smile of Tenko, "Nyeh? Oh there you are Tenko!" She smiled more before walking while she held my hand not letting it go making me blush a shade of pink.

Third Person POV

Tenko led the smaller girl to a garden. The Garden was filled with roses of different colors, Daisy's, Lillie's and other flowers. Himiko admired the Gardens view. She loved how there were different flowers to pick from and it almost had every flower in the whole world, just missing twelve flowers I think Himiko thought to herself and Tenko stopped walking she looked out at the fountain in the view of butterflies swarming around fastly and in order. Himiko remembered her previous trick and had placed the White roses in a magicians hat. "Ten...Do you want to see a magic trick?" Tenko had blushed at be called Ten, she smiled lightly at Himiko and nodded. Himiko waved her 'wand' and started to tap at the top of the hat. Once done she pushed the bottom of the hat up making the moment look like the White roses popped out of the hat. "Himiko!" Tenko was surprised yet felt her heart skip a few beats. "Do you like the Lovely Magic?" Tenko nodded before kissing Himiko's forehead causing the smaller girl to blush. Himiko slowly looked at Tenko who smiled. Himiko slowly kissed at Tenko's lips embracing a kiss towards the taller girl. Tenko was in a daze for a bit yet returned the kiss. The two girls slowly pulled away and Tenko wrapped her arms around the ultimate magician.

"I promise I will try for you, even if I am blue. For a lesbian your the bestest friend! I hope to be with you until the end. Hold my hand and don't let go, I hope our relationship begins to grow."

Himiko was taken by surprise and filled with delight, admiration and love so she kissed Tenko again yet lighter. The two girls loved every moment the spent together and wanted to stay together even if there far away from eachother or one of them dies, they promised they will always remember them. Tenko now has a lover Wich is all she wanted, Himiko now has a good girlfriend and she has the traits she would ever want in a soulmate so she was happy and felt safe with Tenko.


Wow that was so cute and nice! My first Oneshot of lesbians! Well I will be writing more so yeah I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Next Oneshot: Opposites Attract (Angie x Miu)

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