moresidemen - sidemen q&a.

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y/n pov

today the sidemen have invited me for a q&a for their more sidemen channel. all the boys where sat on the couch while I was on the ground. because I'm a floor person. i was behind Jj and Harry's legs.

Harry started the video and introduced me and then Simon asked the first question. "if you were a girl which sidemen would you date and why?" "Ksi because he's fucken loaded." Ethan said and everyone agreed until harry said "no Vik because he's more loaded" everyone laughed and I decided to say "they're all annoying so no one." and they all laughed.

harry asked "what is the most ridiculous rumour you've heard about yourselves?" they all got stuck and started thinking I mean I had a clear view of what to say because I've been in many scandals. Ethan than interrupted the silence by saying "people think I take steroids, which is absurd- "that's not ridiculous" Simon interrupted Ethan causing everyone to laugh. I said "people think I'm using Jj for his money and dick." I said and Harry said "oh you're not?" leaving Jj screaming of laughter.

"what do you guys do when you're pissed at each other?" Ethan read. "Simon puts lol at the end of a message if he's mad at me" he added and we all laughed. Simon said "you make an argument that doesn't make sense" while pointing at Jj which was funny until Jj pointed at me saying "yeah, well she hits just hits me" leaving me saying "because you're a asshole." Ethan then said "nah y/n just turns her phone off." hat left the boys and I agree with that.  Simon then said that him Jj and Ethan are the only ones who gets pissed. I said "yeah we know" making Jj kick my head.

Tobi asked "will there be a Sidemen Collab with Logan Paul? him and Jj seem to be on good terms" Simon and Jj said "I don't see why not." Josh replied saying "it is a sick video idea don't you think?" that gave me a wtf face to Josh which left him laughing. "Harry then said "uh do we have to" and him saying that made me turn around and high five him. Jj replied to Harry saying "what do you mean do we have to." he then turned to me saying "why you high fiving him?" and I started to laugh.

"are the Sidemen ever going to release a track all together.? Jj asked. I decided to answer for them "let's hope not" all the boys started screaming at me saying "that would be a banger what do you mean?" Jj started kicking my back making me turn around and try to smack him. he started screaming "ABUSE!" while everyone was laughing. Ethan then  answered saying that they've had conversations about it, then Harry started going on about how he doesn't want to do an album but he will do a song. Simon said that if they did a diss track it'd be about youtubers. I've already started thinking about who they would diss.

"what's the weirdest thing a fans ever done?" Ethan asked. they talked about how fans try to come to there house and stuff. and then Jj said "actually I have had a fan taking a photo of me while I was asleep"  we all said it was normal because he probably meant on a train or something. Vik then asked "where you in public?" AND THIS MAN, MY BOYFRIEND HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY "nah I slept with her" leaving me with wide eyes and when I tell you that I turned around SO quickly, I mean if I was wearing a weave it'd fall off. they all went silent from talking while Vik is trying to tell him that that's different and was uncalled to say. Jj tried so hard to not look at me and he didn't fail. but I was was death starring this mf. he then tried to make it better by saying "I mean we've all fucked fans" Tobi said "woah in front of your girlfriend you're gonna say that?" following with the rest of the boys being very shocked. and then he tried to fix it again by saying "obviously of age" at this point I felt quite uncomfy. Simon said "now look you've made y/n want to go home" the boys started laughing and Jj said "nah y/n come here" he put his arms up and I just decided to be a bitch and not hug him and say "alright Simon what's the next question" and that made them all laugh. Jj looked a bit angry but I just ignored him cause I'm a bad bitch. 

Simon read out the next question. "if you could have any type of pet what would you have" Tobi and Vik started saying they would want a Lion or a Tiger and Jj got typical and said "no but you wouldn't" like he knows. Ethan started saying that he would want a monkey. Jj said "nah a hamster" we all laughed at his answer saying "you could have anything and you want a hamster?" Simon pointed his finger at each of us for an answer. when he pointed at me I said "a horse" Vik replied to my answer saying "why?" I said "so I can see it vs Jj in a fight" because Jj always goes on about how he thinks he could beat a horse. and the boys started laughing and giving me a fist bump and then falling back on the couch. Jj was sitting there and I felt kind of bad so I tried to hug him but he didn't let me and kept saying "nah you violated it y/n, get off me" so I turned around and just sat on the floor with a over it face because he's acting like a child.

Tobi read out the next question "do you think doing weekly Sidemen videos has improved your friendship with some of the guys?" they all said yes and I agreed. "if you had to rename the sidemen what name would you chose" Simon read out. Jj said ezaf and I was very confused until Simon addressed that it's Faze backwards. they all started saying weird names and I honestly had no intentions on answering any of them. until Ethan said "nah y/n what would you rename the sidemen?" the boys started coming at you saying "yeah y/n what would you rename it?" I didn't reply for 2 seconds because I was thinking and as soon as I was about to answer Harry said "any minute now?" which made them all laugh I said "I don't know, the pussies" and Jj started furiously clapping his hands like I just said a speech with made me get up and slap his head and turn back around and sit on the floor.

Tobi said "alright moving on, when will the sidemen retire?" I answered fast saying " now. this is there last video." and with that Simon then did the outro while we all laughed.

ew i'm so sorry if there is spelling mistakes or anything like that. i didn't do all the questions because i can't be bothered much love to all of you who are reading and sent me request <3
luv you all please vote! <3

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