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Boris, Muk, Luk, Jenna, and Dusty emerged from the house, their gazes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Kodi and Balto. However, to their bewilderment, the father and son were nowhere to be found. It was as if they had vanished into thin air, leaving behind a palpable sense of uncertainty.

"Kodi, where are you?" Dusty's voice carried a tinge of worry as she began her search for the future father of their pups. But Jenna intervened, placing a gentle paw on Dusty's shoulder.

"Patience, Dusty," Jenna advised, her voice soothing. "The puppies aren't due for a few weeks yet. You must remain calm and return inside the house to rest." Dusty reluctantly relented, understanding the importance of prioritizing her well-being.

"We shall accompany you, Jenna!" Boris declared in his characteristic Russian accent, ready to lend his support.

"No, Boris. You and the polar bears must stay here and look after Dusty until I return with Balto and Kodi," Jenna firmly asserted. She began her quest, determined to find her beloved mate and son, undeterred by Boris' words of caution.

"Be careful, Jenna!" Boris called out, concern etched on his face. He then turned to Muk and Luk, addressing them in a more reassuring tone. "Come, my nephews, let us enter the house. There is a soon-to-be mother who requires our assistance."

"Okay, Uncle Boris," Muk replied obediently. And so, the trio of a goose and two polar bears made their way inside the house, leaving Jenna alone outside, resolute in her pursuit of Balto and Kodi.

Jenna called out Balto's name thrice, the echoes fading into the silence of the forest. She combed the familiar places—the abandoned boat where Balto resided, Rosy's house, and even Duke's former dwelling—but to no avail. Balto and Kodi remained elusive, as if swallowed by the veil of the unknown. "Where are you, Balto?" Jenna whispered to herself, her voice tinged with worry.

Then, amidst the hushed stillness of the woods, a haunting howl pierced the air. Jenna's heart quickened, hope surging within her. She followed the call, her paws carrying her deeper into the forest, where the snow reigned supreme. It blanketed the ground and adorned the lofty branches, weaving an ethereal tapestry of hushed whispers and mystical scenes—a gift bestowed by the winter that delighted in its own enchantments. The forest, with its myriad facets, served as the perfect canvas for winter's evocative atmosphere.

"Balto, is that you?" Jenna called out as she ventured onward. But before her stood a sight she could never have anticipated. A dense white fog, akin to the snow-kissed trees, materialized before her eyes. And then, emerging from within that ethereal mist, Aniu—the white she-wolf with her radiant sun-yellow eyes—appeared before Jenna.

For a moment, fear gripped Jenna's heart as she beheld the enigmatic presence of her mother. But then, remembering Balto's words about Aniu, Jenna realized the truth of the encounter.

"Aniu?" Jenna spoke, her voice tinged with awe and disbelief.

"If you seek your son Kodi and Balto, then your search is in vain, Jenna," Aniu responded calmly, her voice carrying an air of wisdom. "They are with your daughter Aleu."

Jenna's fury ignited at Aniu's revelation. "What? Why would you do such a thing?" she demanded, her frustration pouring forth. Aniu remained silent, her gaze unyielding.

And then, the dense fog engulfed them once more, its presence disorienting Jenna. Without warning, she found herself transported to a wholly unfamiliar landscape—a forest distinct from the one she had known. The sound of a nearby river reached her ears, prompting Jenna to embark on a path alongside its gentle flow. But as she treaded upon a carpet of fallen branches, the crackling noise reverberated through the stillness, eliciting low growls from the distance. Jenna emerged into a clearing, her breath catching in her throat as she beheld a sight that left her utterly speechless—before her stood Balto, and beside him, a wolf who bore an uncanny resemblance to him, save for his rich, brown fur and slightly taller stature.

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now