Day Two: Princess and Knight

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Loosely inspired by Shrek. This has probably the first action scene I've ever written (well). There is more to this AU but I don't have time to work on it right now.

It was in the early hours of Annie's third day of riding that the fortress came up on the horizon. Paradis Island was much smaller than the continent, and flatter too. And lonelier. Annie hadn't seen another settlement since the tiny port.

Annie recalled a geography lesson she and the other squires had sat through, a few years back. They'd studied the island's landscape and politics well, being their closest neighbours.

"Most of the island's population is situated inside the great Wall Maria. There is little-to-nobody outside the wall," the aging castle librarian had taught the class of half-attentive squires.

As Annie got closer to the fortress, she caught sight of guards around it. Shit. These lot were bandits, they'd never let a knight, even one from a foreign kingdom, into their base, especially since she wasn't prepared to pay the ransom for the princess. She would have to sneak in.

Well. It wouldn't be the first stealth mission Annie had been on.

When she came within walking distance of the fortress, she slowed down her horse, dismounting near a large rock. There was a pond nearby, and plenty of grass. Her horse would be content to stay here for a few hours.

Annie did not take much with her. She left her heavier armour with the horse, alongside her provisions. She was close enough to the fortress so she wouldn't need them. All she brought with her was her lockpicks, rope and a dagger. It was all she needed.

Staying far away from the fortress, Annie scoped it out. A large tower was in the centre of the fortress. Doubtlessly where the princess was held. There was one entrance, with two guards posted. There were windows, however, which looked to have nobody. She could sneak over to one of the windows and scale the wall. She'd have to get through those rooms and into the tower, which might prove to be difficult.

Annie snuck through the wet grass soundlessly. She reached the wall, and looked for a groove in the old bricks. She found one, which she put her hand into, and lifted her body up. There was another, within arm's reach of the last. Every now and then, Annie would look behind her to make sure nobody had seen her. Each time she did only showed an empty field.

It took Annie a while to reach the window, and it was a welcome relief to hoist herself up onto the ledge. Inside was an empty storeroom. She let out a sigh of relief as she slid into it.

Her bun had come loose, probably as she had climbed. Annie untied her blonde hair, combed it with her fingers, then tied it back up again. Her side bangs fell down just over her eyes, since they were too short to be tied back. They would be annoying, but not anything Annie hadn't dealt with before. She could work around them.

Now all she had to do was get into the tower.

When Annie was finished resting, she decided it was best to get a move on.

The corridor the storeroom was attached to was fortunately empty. Annie slowed her breathing, and quietened her footsteps. She stayed close to the left wall, stopping every ten seconds to listen for incoming bandits.

She ducked behind a suit of armour when she heard a voice. 

"How much longer do we have to do this shit?" One person said. "I hate havin' to wait on the brat."

"Until her nan pays the ransom, Rich," another voice said. 

"'s been nearly four years. She's not coming to pay."

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