Chapter 10- The Official Tour

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"What was that all about?" I ask.

"Parakeet and I were about to transform back. Not to mention that we don't know what the police wanted. In every comic book that I've read, the police always hate superhero's." Bandit exclaims.

"I don't know...I reeeaaallly don't like the idea of running from the cops." Parakeet says. "Shoot, I've got to go! See you all later!"

"Wait! Where's Crimson Sky?" I ask.

She nervously glances around. "I don't know...she was here a minute ago..."

The three of us gasp in perfect sync. "WHAT?"


In the end, we didn't have time to argue with Parakeet about how Crimson Sky got away because she only had a minute left before transforming back. We didn't have enough time to go chase after her, as she was probably long gone by now. Parakeet apologized almost forty times to all three of us, and even though we told her every time it was alright she still felt horrible. After Chat Noir and I bid farewell to Bandit, Chat Noir refueled Plagg, and we simply went and sat on the edge of the roof.

I lean my head into his shoulder, and he places his own on top of mine. "I've really missed you." I say.

"I know, Snowflake. It hasn't been the same in Paris without you. Our friends still ask about you. They miss you a ton."

"Just our friends?" I ask, batting my eyelashes.

Chat Noir takes my gloved hand in his own, and smiles at me. "I missed you more that all of them combined." He says, bringing my hand up and kissing it.

I blush and peck his cheek.

We sit in silence for a few moments before Chat Noir speaks up. "You know, I still have that gift for you."

"What is it?" I ask, intrigued.

Chat pulls a small familiar looking black box from out of his pocket. "Okay, so to be fair, this is also partially from Ladybug." He smiles.

I take the box from his hand and open it. My jaw drops when I see what's inside. A pair of small black glasses sit on the red fabric. "The horse miraculous?" I gasp.

"Ladybug thought I'd be a good idea for you to hold onto these. In case there was even an emergency in Paris and we need you." Chat Noir explains.

"Oh my goodness...Thankyou so much!" I say. I jump up and hug Chat Noir so hard that it causes the both of us to fall over. I land on top of his chest and glance down at him. His cheeks are bright red. "S-Sorry about that." I stutter, standing up as fast as I can.

"I-It's alright."

I hold out my hand and pull Chat Noir up. We both sit back down and stare out over the city in silence for a few moments. Chat then speaks up "even though I come here quite a bit, I've never seen New York from Chat Noir's point of view."

"Really?" I ask, a bit stunned. I stand up and brush myself off. "Well, then allow Alley Cat to give him the official tour." I smile and hold out my hand to Chat Noir once again. He takes it and I pull him up.

"I'd love that."


After two hours of Chat Noir and I leaping around the city, We finally stop and sit atop Lady Liberty's green crown, watching the sunset.

"This definitely beats the sunset from the ground." Chat Noir says, smiling.
A golden glow lights up his face, making his eyes twinkle.

"Definitely. But if I'm being honest, this is by far the best sunset I've seen since I've got to New York."

Chat looks a bit surprised by this "Really? How come?"

I smile and look into Chat Noirs bright green eyes. "Because my Chaton is here."

Chat Noir's cheeks become a bright red as he stares at me. I bring my index finger out and quickly bop Chat on the nose with it. "Boop~" I giggle.

Chat Noir glares at me. "What was that for?!" He pouts.

I smile. "Oh nothing. It was just payback for that stunt you pulled back in Paris."

I chuckle as Chat thinks back to the time when I was turned into a cat by and akumatized villain named Lamina. Basically Chat Noir ended up booping me on the nose. I swore to myself that I would get him back one day.

As the sun dips down below the horizon I turn to face Chat Noir once again. He smiles at me. I slowly close my eyes and lean my head towards him, my lips puckered. Chat does the same. Our lips were only centimeters apart when Chat Noir jumps up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, a bit hurt.

"I'm so sorry Snowflake, but I just realized that I should've been back to the hotel a long time ago." He says in a panicking tone. He holds out his hand for me, and I take it as he pulls me up.

"I'll forgive you, but this isn't over." I tease, taping his lip and then my own.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I chuckle as I fasten my mirror to my belt. "See you later Chaton."

Chat kisses my head. "Bye Snowflake."

I wave and jump off the green statue, back towards home.

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now