⭐️Chapter 13: Signing up for the Hunter exam...now💧

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(THANK YOU SOO MUCH Mynameis/cutelittlesh*t for the art <3)

As they all had gotten onto the Blimp, and Y/n had reunited with Mr Oinks, who was safe from the grasp of Buhara, who wanted to eat him.

She left her room with Mr Oinks and Foxy, skipping over towards the food area. Mr Oinks was sniffing all the food, while Y/n was holding Foxy.

"There it is!" Y/n's eyes shined as she ran over to the area that contained all the sweet sugary treats. She called Mr Oinks over and climbed onto his back and looked at the sweets, trying to decide which one she wanted.

Her eyes lit up when she saw her favourite candy, Bungee Gum.

She took the bowl that contained all of the Bungee Gum and she unzipped the back of foxy as she dumped all the sweets inside, so she could enjoy it later.

She soon took some other sweets and started to eat them happily.

"I have an announcement for all the applicants." Y/n looked around to see who was talking, but it was the intercom."The chairman wishes to interview the last remaining applicants. When your number is called, please come to the first reception on the first floor., number 406."


Y/n sat in a room across from Grandpa as Foxy was on her lap and Mr Oinks stood next to her.


"Y/n!" Y/n smiled happily.

"I want to ask did you sign up to become a hunter?"

"I was meant to sign up?" She tilted her head, making the older male sweat-drop. He took out a form that was for Y/n to sign up to become a hunter.

"Since you already made it this far, I believe that it would be a hassle for you to get back home now. So why don't you fill out the form here, and I'll act as your supervisor for where your parent had to sign."

He placed the form in front of the female. She took the pen that was conveniently on the table and started to add her information on it, it was simple sentences or one to two word answers in a scribbly handwriting but at least you could read it.

"Done!" She pushed the page over to the older male as he took the pen and was about to sign it when he noticed the age written on the page.

"I think there is a mistake, you wrote your age wrong" He showed her the number 5 written on it.

"No, I'm 5! I'm a big girl!" Y/n said, making the elderly man shocked, sure she looked young, but he would have just thought it would have been nen, since he knew someone who changes their appearance to look younger.

"Well you are meant to be 12 to be able to enter the hunter exam, thats the rules." Netero said as he looked at the small female, at hearing the news she frowned, puppy dog eyes were in front of the Chairman.

"Please can I do the hunter exam..." She was trying to convince the Chairman, who looked at the small girl.

"...Like I was saying, you already came this far, so I'll allow this...Only this time though, if you fail you will have to wait until you're twelve y/n." Netero replied, the female cheered happily as the elderly man watched her amusingly.

"Yay! I can be a hunter!"

"Now sit down, we can discuss the real reasoning of asking you to be here."

"Okie dokie grandpa!"

"Grandpa? Well if you call me that I'll call you flower"

"Okie Grandpa!"


So nicknames I got so far, I want everyone to give Y/n nicknames lol

Gon - lil sis/little sister

Killua - Brat/Baka

Hisoka - My sweet Fox/My sweet littly Fox/ little Foxy

Netero - Flower

Now I just need -

The phantom troupe



and a LOT of others lol (sugestions for nicknames? :3) 

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