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•• 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 ••
i can hear. i can hear sirens from above ground level going off, as the some people who must be left are scoping out the area for those who weren't so fortunate. as for me... i'm not sure. i think i'm alive still, but my body feels limp and my face has gone numb. i can't feel a thing except my heart beating in my chest, which informs me... i'm here. i'm alive. i'm breathing.

yet it doesn't feel like i am truly present on the earth i have lived my entire life... until i slowly feel something cold and almost damp placed into my palm, followed by the sound of a male almost struggling, letting out a groan mixed with suffering breaths. once the struggling portion is done, i hear more sounds of breathing... but calmer ones... until i then have another cold weight on the left side of my face.

"(y/n)... (y/n), you have to wake up. come on, i see you breathing, wake up." he says, as if it should be in a panic if it wasn't for the painful sound in his voice, powering over the fear.

as i begin to feel my face once more, i flutter my eyelids open, as frozen tears had acted like a glue and kept them together. my lips open to want to say something to the view of a boy above me, but nothing more than a sharp exhale escapes. my chest rises and falls more visibly as well, and soon i am able to wiggle my fingers, allowing me to lightly fold them around his slightly larger hand.

a mixture of relief and is seen in the boy's eyes as i look into them, especially when i am able to form true words, speaking his name.
"mingrui..." i say weakly, wanting to use all my energy and sit up and tell him that i'm okay, and that everything will be just fine... but i can't. i still lack certain senses and my energy is almost non-existent.

"you're okay. everything's gonna be alright. we're gonna make it out of here, i-i promise." he says to me, a small smile upon his lips with tears are seen puddling on his waterline. he dampens his cracked lips with stains of blood spotted upon them, before then sighing almost happily, caressing my cheek.

i respond with an almost relieved sigh mixed with a small nod, my chest continuing to move with every breath as i gulp. as he then nods back at me, a tear drips down his rosy cheeks.

"let's get you up. we need to get up there in time or they might leave." mingrui then tells me, almost in a rush. still trying to be gentle though, he helps me sit up until i am upright with a groan and a shooting pain in my spine. "sorry..."

"it's fine." i respond, grasping his hand tighter. with him just being able to stand right away, possibly with some pain which he doesn't show, he carefully pulls me up with him, then supporting me as clench my jaw.

"how bad is it?" he questions, looking to me. "hurts?" i nod my head, which makes him curl his lips under. "we just have to make it up there, then everything will be just fine and you can lay down... deal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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