Short story

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(This is just something I thought of pls don't hate)

This takes place in the 1980 or something like that
Daniella was 16 she had friends and family who supported her but all things changed when she came out of the closet. Daniella had a very religious family and they were very homophobic. Having been threatened to be disowned Daniella fell depressed and anxious. She went on a trip to calm down and unwind a little and that's where she met Agatha. Agatha can be described in many ways some people say she was beautiful some say she was pure and some did not know of her. Soon Daniella fell for Agatha but she had to go back home that was where her life was. She had homophobic parents and she lost all her friends but that was home so she left . Month's later she decided to go back to the place where she met Agatha but to her surprise she couldn't be found , she wasn't there anymore. Daniella did not feel sad about it she was determined to find her again. A few years pass by and Daniella still goes back to that place longingly waiting to find Agatha. Although she had no clue where she would find her she wrote about her daily life in her diary hoping one day to share these stories with her beloved and read them together. She was finally out of her house old enough to live on her own Daniella finally had enough resources to go and look for Agatha. The pressure of society on her back telling her to get married and have children. Daniella was very stressed by these comments on her life and she decides to go out and drink. She did not notice a man sitting by himself eyeing her like a lion looking at its prey. He approached her and they had a conversation while offering her drinks that she gratefully took. She did not notice him putting drugs in her drink while she drank them , reaching the end of the night she had passed out and the man carried her back to his home and proceeded to have his way with her but since she was drunk and drugged she could not stop him. She wakes up and thinks that she gave her consent in the act and felt the need to apologize to this man. So they give each other their contact details since they did the act with no protection. Soon after Daniella noticed she was late on her period so then she took a pregnancy test and found out her one night stand barred fruit. She calls the man and to her surprise he was happy that she was pregnant even offering marriage. She tells the news to her very religious family and they force her to marry this man. And so she gave birth to her son while still looking for Agatha. A few years go by and the truth behind her conception came to light. She put her now ex husband to prison for r*pe . She raised her son the best way she could and he grew up as a very well known activist who would fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Daniella fell ill of old age and died her son found her diary containing all her entries addressed to Agatha curious on who this person was he tried to find this woman her mother loved so deeply and longed for. Although luck was in his favor he found the last piece in the puzzle of who this "Agatha" was. Agatha was his mother's happiness she had only felt it once in her life true happiness that was why she longed to meet her she wanted to be happy.

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