Challenging Kabu[11]

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Sunlight crept it's way onto our Protagonist's face, as he groans in response. Flipping his hand over to the side he begins by looking around the room he was in. Of course he was in the hotel room that was sponsored by the Chairman.

He rolled himself out of bed to be met with the soft rug of the floor design. He felt like he could sleep on it for days. He realized that he still had to do some important things so, He had to get up anyway.

(Y/N) groaned making his way to the bathroom and began turning on his lights. It was a series of montage later of him getting ready so we'll meet him later..


(Y/N) soon walked into the lobby, seeing Marnie just waiting. (Y/N) thought that maybe she was waiting for him so he went over to her. Marnie noticed his presence and began blushing when he neared her.

(Y/N): "Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

Marnie: "Y-Yes, yeah it is."

(Y/N) noticed her face beginning to burn up and turn red.

(Y/N): "You alright, you look like you have a fever." (Y/N) touched her forehead, making him realize his mistake."

But instead of removing his hand began rubbing her forehead. It was surprisingly soft and comfortable. Making Marnie turn 50 Shades of Red.

(Y/N): "Well, I guess it's time for me to get ready for this Gym Challenge come up."

(Y/N) was about to walk out of building, until Marnie stopped him.

(Y/N): "Is there something you need?"

Marnie: "W-Well, I just wanted to say something.."

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Marnie: "I-"

A Bellhop accidentally sent a suitcase flying towards Marnie and then collided with her back, which forced her to fly forward and kiss her crush. Causing her to blush. (Y/N) didn't see this as an accident and sunk into the kiss like a fly into a Spider's Web.

(Y/N): "I didn't know you had those feelings for me Marnie."

Marnie<flustered>: "I-I n-no it's n-not w-what you thi-"

(Y/N) pecked her on the forehead, before walking out of the sponsored hotel and onto the streets towards Kabu's Stadium. Leaving a flustered gothic girl behind.

(Y/N) continued jogging through but once reaching the stadium he saw Hop walk out. He began walking towards the gleefully excited trainer.

Hop: "Took you long enough (Y/N), I just got my hands on Kabu's Fire Gym."

Hop: "He's what you'd expect a Gym Leader, to be I almost got burnt battling him."

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm sure this will be easy sweep with my Squirtle."

Hop soon left to Arceus who knows where. (Y/N) walked inside the stadium and changed into his uniform attire before walking forward to complete the Gym Mission. Other Trainers will try and stop your advances.

Apparently he was supposed to do was capture Pokémon to continue on further which seemed legit to me. Some noob tried to clap (Y/N) with a fake out, but he made quick work of them before catching the Litwick.

This went on for the other two and eventually he did it. He soon completed the Gym Mission and soon enough he began making his way through the stadium. Crowds being heard in the distance as Kabu walked with him. 

There was no words exchanged between them. The only thing known is that if you wanna win, give it your all. They soon made it into the middle of the Gym and Kabu started talking.

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