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New York City. The place for all new things and people.

My dark hair sways around my face as I walk into the dorm I'm staying in with my best friend, Lily. Lily and I have known each other since third grade when I burned her with a hot glue gun by accident then she punched me.

It was a rocky start but she helped me up after she punched me and said her name was Lily King. I introduced myself back to her as Dylan Mann and we've been inseparable since.

"Dee! Come on!" I hear Lily yell from down the hall. I walk down until I see room 204.

Me and Lily got the biggest dorm in the building. I guess it helps that her dads rich.

"Oh my gosh look at it! It's amazing!" She cooes at the room the size of a master bedroom with 4 beds, 2 desks, and 2 dressers in it and the only dorm with an en-suite. Thank God.

"So I get two beds and you get two?" I say scanning over the room.

"Yeah we can push them together and then like put a full sized sheet over it so it just seems like a big bed." She says smiling at me. I can't help but smile back at her.

We get to work arranging our room how we want it. She finishes before me, her stuff was already sorted in the boxes. Mine however was kinda just thrown together.

"I'm going to go get us some coffee! I'll be back!" She says grabbing her key to the room.

"Okay!" I yell back as I continue to arrange my room. Lily comes back 30 minutes later and I've finally finished. She hands me my coffee.

"So I over heard there's a street fight tonight at some abandoned warehouse. Wanna go?" She says with a sly smile. I smile back at her. I've never been one to be a good girl. I rebelled against my parents in high school. At least that's what they called it. They said I had issues taking orders from people. That I needed to be in control or I wouldn't do it. They were right but I'd never admit that.


"Good get dressed. It starts at 10." I check the time on my phone. It's 830.

"How far is it?"

"About 10 minutes. Apparently everyone goes to these things."

"Maybe we'll meet some new people." I smile at her as she straightens her hair. Lily's extremely pretty with curly blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Her face is structured nicely but she lacks confidence. I on the other hand have dark almost black hair and emerald eyes. I'm 5'8 with long legs and a nice body, though I don't thing I'm that pretty. I just have this confidence that I've gained from not giving any shits about what others think of me. I'm comfortable with myself and my flaws making it hard for other people to tear me down.

"Yes!!!" Lily exclaims as she finishes with her hair. I've changed into ripped black skinny jeans and a dark blue tank top. I throw on my leather jacket and my high top airforces. They're already basically in ruins so I know I won't care if I get puke or beer on them.

We finish getting ready then get into her jet black convertible mustang gt.

She drives us to the warehouse but parks a bit away so it's easy to leave.

We get out and walk towards the giant building that's lit up by a generator. I notice a black 2016 Harley- Davidson parked next to the warehouse, and I can't help but be in awe of the expensive ass bike.

Me and Lily go into the sweat filled room filled with drunk men and women. The men chatting up the barely clothed women who look like they are waiting for one of the fighters to notice them.

The smell of beer, sweat and cheep perfume fill the room and I try not to roll my eyes at the basic abandoned warehouse streetlight/ party. I know that sounds weird but I've been around. I've been to a bunch of street fights and they're all the same. They all party before and after but the fight is what brings them in the end. The girls wear little to nothing, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, and the guys all try to get into their pants. Everyone's drunk or drinking.

Lily, however, has only been to one of these. She got trashed and almost went home with a guy that was 26 when she was 15. I never took her again after that. But she's in college now, and she's old enough to legally consent so, no harm no foul. Of course I'll still keep her right beside me the whole time, because I worry about her, but it's her decision now, and she doesn't want to be Daddy's sheltered little girl anymore so who am I to stop her.

"Do you want a drink?" She calls.

"Nah I'm going to stay sober tonight. I'll come with you to get yours though and then we'll find some where to watch from." I call back, and look over towards the kegs which were closer to the ring than where we were.

We shove our way through the crowd and get Lily a drink. I remind her not to get trashed, and we push our way through the people once again to a place we can see from. There are 2 girls next to us who are wearing more than the rest are and I decide we are going to make friends with them as long as they're not bitches.

"Hey!" I call to them dragging Lily over to them. Lily smiles at them and they smile back.

"Hi!" The brunette one says.

"What are your guys' names?" Lily calls.

"I'm Jen, and this is Aubrey!" The platinum blonde one says.

"I'm Dylan and this is Lily," I say, "Mind if we hang out with you guys?"

"Not at all!" Aubrey says with a smile.

"You guys ever been to one of these before?" Jen calls.

"I've been to one, Dee here used to go to these all the time." Lily responds

"Good! You can tell us what's happening!" Jen says and we all laugh.

All of us talk a little bit and get to know each other. I find out that Aubrey has a boyfriend named James and Jen is dating some guy named Ben, who goes to school at John Hopkins. We all hit it off and talk about our majors and courses. Jen and I have a bunch of the same classes because we're both going into psychology, while Lily's going into business and Aubreys going into electrical engineering.

We keep talking until we hear a guy start yelling into a microphone.

Here we go.

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