Why Should I?

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I turn my head slowly and my eyes meet Noah's chocolate brown eyes.

I open my mouth to speak but he beats me to it. "Would you care to dance with me?" He asks politely. I slowly nod and take his outstretched hand. He pulls me to the dance floor. She's Everything by Brad Paisley starts playing.

We slowly sway and he spins me a few times. As we move back and forth, our faces only inches apart, he starts to speak.

"I was really angry and I said a lot of things I really regret. I hate that it took me this long to work up the courage to talk to you again. I truly love Icelynn with my whole heart, and I love you too. I can't just abandon y'all like that. I can't leave my family." He rushes quickly, looking very nervous.

"But yet you did it quiet easily. Told me to leave and then didn't contact us for almost a complete month." I retort. I'm not going to forgive him so easily.

"I was acting like an idiot."

"Because you are one." He gives me a cold look, but it quickly fades.

"I deserve that I guess. But like you were saying, Icelynn shouldn't grow up without a father. I don't want to live my life knowing I have a child out in the world who doesn't have a dad to be her shoulder to cry on and then beat up the guy who did it. She needs somebody who will take her to her first football game and try to get her interested in playing sports. And even though you can do that pretty well yourself, I feel like it should be her father who does it." He explains, his face never losing that serious look.

"I believe you Noah..." I start off, he does have good points.

"So do you forgive me?" He asks hopefully, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Why should I? If you can leave so easily the first time, what's going to stop you from doing it again?" I ask seriously, tears starting to form.

"If you let me, I'll start over. We can start over. I'll treat you both with the love and respect you need. I'll prove to you that I'm the best father for Icelynn."

"How can you do that if you live so far away?" Don't let him slide off the hook so easily. He doesn't deserve it.

"I'm considering a transfer."

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