Magic Within Part 4

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Shira and I entered the quiet village after about an hour and a half of traveling. We made the unspoken decision to avoid the Inn. We knew that we wouldn't remain unnoticed forever, but there was no reason to speed up our eventual discovery.

Walking down the main street, I quickly scanned the layout. You never know when you might need to make a hasty retreat.

After a few minutes of exploration, Shira and I deemed that our man wasn't residing in the village. It was to be expected, but it made finding him a lot harder.

The village was almost empty. The residents were farmers, and, at this time, they were still out tending their fields. We were alone, apart from the occasional child playing in the street.

"We should go. He's not here, and we gain nothing from staying." Shira said to me. I agreed with her, but something was telling me that I should wait.

I wasn't disappointed.

"Who's not here?"

We both turned around, startled. A woman was standing in the doorway of the house we just passed, leaning casually against the door frame.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We were just looking for my friend's... brother." Shira said quickly.

"Ahuh, suuuuuure you were." the lady drawled, unimpressed.

"You wouldn't have happened to see him?" I asked, seeing an opportunity. Shira shot me a warning glance.

"I don't know." she replied. "Lots of people pass through these parts."

"His name is Jazal Dyslin."

Her eyes widened in surprise. She looked both ways down the street, then latched onto our wrists and yanked us into her house shutting the door with her foot. 

I went sprawling onto a couch, and Shira's momentum carried her into the wall. The woman drew a knife from a hidden sheath and pointed it at my throat. "What do you want with Jazal?"

Shira raised her hands above her head in a non-threatening gesture. "We were just-"

The lady pulled out another knife in an instant, this one pointed at Shira. "Don't. Move."

"Woah, woah, okay Miss Mystery. If you could just," I placed my finger on the top of her knife, gently lowering it away from my face, "put the knife away, we could talk about this?"

"Don't call me that." She said, obviously annoyed, though thankfully she put the knife back in the sheath. The knife pointed at Shira remained where it was. Hey, something is better than nothing, right?

I, of course, was unarmed. What, was I supposed to go into town and ask, Hey! Can I have two swords and a double headed glaive? Also, I need a few weeks of supplies, some tinder and firewood and some new clothes? That would be great, thanks. Totally not suspicious. Not at all. -_-

"Then what should I call you?" I asked.


Another step forwards.

"Now answer my question. What. Do you want. With Jazal?? Who sent you this time??" she snapped.

"Who did what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"No one sent us." Shira replied.

"Hmm. Either he's an idiot, or you're telling the truth." Latasha murmured.

Finally, she lowered the knife pointed at Shira, although she didn't put it away. She held it in a casual manner. She knew how to use that knife.

I sat up properly in the chair, Latasha's glare on me the whole time. I tried to sit as casually as possible.

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