Realising your feelings

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Ok so I'm also writing this in class and this time my teacher aloud me to write this instead of the actual work so... yeah. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

You realized you like Bakugo when you guys where training together and and Bakugo pinned you to the ground and said I win with a smirk. It wasn't anything unusual for him but this time it struck you different and you started to blush up at him. When he got up off you and walked away, probably going to look for someone a little harder to beat, you looked somewhere other then him and tried to calm your racing heart.

You realized you like torodoki when he offered to help you study after school with a soft smile. You looked at his smile and thought that it was so cute and then started to blush realizing what you though, making torodoki think he did something wrong.

You realized you liked Deku when he saw you crying over something and he went up to you and offered to help you and gave you a hug. You hugged him back and started to blush reading that he was pretty cute. Heyo I guys parted he saw you blushing and got a little worried thinking that you got sick. You reassured him that you were fine now and that he could leave. When he left you started trying to calm down the blush in your face.

You realized you liked Denki when he started to flirt with you again he said are you Dora because I'm about to explore ya and instead of telling him off like you usually would you started to blush and stutter. Denki started to laugh quietly and you ran away quickly not wanting to let him see you blushing anymore.

I hope you enjoyed that you enjoyed this chapter. Also I hope you have a good day/night my beauties.

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