Part 1. Frost

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The hostel was unusually quiet. All the agents went about their business, and Viper was able to fully enjoy the calm atmosphere. No one makes noise, distracts her from work, or makes a mess. Viper loved those moments the most.

Sabine believed that there was no one left in the headquarters, but later she was convinced of the opposite when she went down to the common room. She recognizes this blonde hair from a thousand.

Sova was sitting at the table with his back to her. He rummaged in the first-aid kit, trying to find skeins of bandages for dressing wounds: on the last mission he was injured. Viper felt a weight in her chest.

It was her fault. If she had behaved more sensibly, had not chased after this damn soldier, then Sova would not have had to close her from the shot. Now he had new scars because of her stupidity. An unpleasant feeling of guilt clenched her chest, slowly turning into a heavy load that pulled Viper down.

She was ashamed of everything that had happened, especially what she said to him after that day. Even now she clearly remembered every word spoken to him in a fit of emotion. Deep down she knew she had done wrong, but her stupid pride would not let her admit it and apologize. Intuition suggested that now was the right moment to try to fix everything.

Viper wondered where to start the conversation as she walked slowly to the table. She tried to step silently so that Sova would not notice her presence longer. So there was more time to think.

“Your footsteps are too loud,” said the archer, without even turning his head towards Viper.

His cold voice brought Sabine back from her thoughts. There was definitely no turning back now. She looked at Sova again: her gaze fell on his back, which was covered with several large scars, half of which were hidden in bandages.

Sabine felt like a really terrible person. Previously, this did not bother her in any way, but now everything was different. She was ashamed that she had hurt him with her harsh words, not even suspecting what he could go through in his life. He did not deserve this kind of attitude, especially when he saved her life. Sabine was annoyed by the fact that it was because of this man that her conscience began to wake up.

A few days earlier:

Viper hit the table hard, and her knuckles instantly ached with pain. A few deep breaths and a glass of water did not help her calm down and bounce back.
Again. He did it again.

There was a knock on the door. Through her teeth, Viper said "Come in" without turning her head. There was a click, and the automatic doors slid to the side, revealing the guest. Sova stood in the doorway.

“We're going downstairs,” the archer began.

“Why?” Viper asked.

“Regular meeting after the mission” 

“No,” she turned to him. “Why did you do that ?!” 

“You could've been hurt,” Sova replied after a long pause.

“This is not a reason to throw yourself under open fire! I didn't ask for your or anyone's help. I was able to destroy these two, but you ruined everything by trying to stop me. Now we missed them, and you almost died!”

Her thoughts were confused as the words poured out of their own accord. Something inside suggested that she should stop, try to calm down again, but the sight of his bandaged hand more and more inflamed the desire to reprimand him for that act.

“Why are you doing this over and over? Why are you always trying to save me? What goals do you generally pursue when you try to help me with something? Why are you so friendly to me? Why the hell are you doing all this ?! Stop making yourself a hero that I don't need”

The woman paused briefly and squeezed the bridge of her nose with her fingers, taking in a heavy breath. She continued:

“Stop. Just stop doing all this. I don't need a friend, so you can leave this stupid idea. And I don’t need everyone to accuse me after assignments that our poor owlet has suffered! I didn’t ask you for help, I don’t need anything from you at all! I don't need you!”

She almost went to scream. In her head, Viper had already thought out a scenario for any answer and was ready to pounce on Sova with renewed vigor. She knew that a stubborn person like him would surely resist. Viper was used to the fact that everyone responded with aggression to her aggression.

But Sova was simply silent. He didn't say a word when Viper gave him a chance to speak. The archer just looked at her.

Viper was willing to swear she could feel frost on her skin from just one look. She couldn't remember at least one time when he looked at her that way.

“Okay, I understood. I won't disturb you again,” said Sova, turning to leave and walking away.

Viper was left alone in the room with her thoughts. It would seem that having thrown out emotions, you should feel better, but everything was the opposite. Sabine only got worse. Going through everything she said, the woman realized that she had really said too much. She sat down on the bed and grabbed her head, slowly squeezing it with her fingers.

This is not what she really wanted to say...

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