when theres no nikado smut 😔🤜🏾🤛🏾

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How am I supposed to feel about the fact Mikado is canonically a kinky bitch?

How am I supposed to feel about the fact Mikado is canonically a kinky bitch?

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Also people who have seen this full scene and says he ISN'T a bottom are just lying to themselves like smh

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Also people who have seen this full scene and says he ISN'T a bottom are just lying to themselves like smh

Question; yall ever listen to a characters voice lines, and hear a really sexual sounding one (like a moan or something) and you can't remember where it's from, and you're just like; did this character have a fan-service moment and I just didn't remember??

Yeah that happens with all my favorite characters for some reason.

Now if you excuse me I'm going to listen to kinky-magician-bondage-man's laugh for hours on end.

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