The Love Triangle

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A month had passed and Molly had been more confused about her feelings more than she had ever been. She continued to live with Myles in their home and she still wore the engagement ring however she didn't feel comfortable being intimate with him because she had developed very strong feelings for Tyler and everyday she was at work she would always meet up with him; Lucy knew what was happening however she always covered for her whenever Myles would ring the cafe or would go there for lunch. They knew they had to be sneaky and to do it without Myles finding out, she knew that she shouldn't be doing it but for the first time in years she was genuinely happy, she didn't want to risk not seeing Tyler again because he felt more of a partner than her own fiancé, she always thought that Myles knew something because whenever he tried to plan dates to prove how much he had changed she always told him she was tired, he never mentioned anything to her about it tho. They knew how risky it was but they couldn't help being together whenever they could. If they couldn't go anywhere Lucy would let them sit in the back of the cafe and chill for a little bit before she made Molly get back to work. Molly knew she was very lucky to have a best friend like her, she always supported her no matter what and never judged her for her decisions. Molly and Tyler were having a discussion in the staff room when Lucy came rushing in and told her that Myles had just pulled up and that she had to go out on the counter, she quickly gave Tyler a kiss and told him she'd be back, once she was behind the counter he walked in and gave her a big smile, she gave him a short smile in return. He ordered a large cappuccino and tried leaning over the counter to give her a kiss but Molly saw Tyler popping his head round and she couldn't kiss him, it felt like cheating on Tyler even though that's exactly what she was doing on Myles. She shook her head and said "not right now I'm at work, have a good day at work though Myles." He just nodded his head, paid and walked out with a quick look over his shoulder and he was gone, Lucy nodded her head at Molly and told her to carry on with Tyler but don't be too long as she still has to work. She rushed over to her and gave her a big hug before returning to Tyler. "I'm sorry Ty, I really am I don't know why he keeps showing up here all I'm trying to do is spend time with you." Tyler rolled his eyes and bluntly pointed out, " I guess he can come see you whenever he wants considering he is your fiancé and all; he is the love of your life after all." Molly just sat there flabbergasted, "I've got to go I'll speak to you soon," but before he could leave her sitting there alone she grabbed his arm and pulled him to face her. "Hey, Ty I know he is technically my fiancé but you mean so much more to me than he does, you make me feel like a person and not a piece of property; I don't know if this is going to freak you out or not but I'm really starting to fall for you Tyler." He stood there with his mouth open as if he was in shock, "wait.... what?!" "You heard me I'm falling for you, I know i shouldn't but I can't help it I'm really falling for you." He didn't answer her instead a huge smiled appeared on his face and kissed her lips. When she could finally get her heart rate back to normal, she stood there with a smile on her face, "well Molly I was planning to tell you this in a more romantic setting," before he finished he shouted over the counter "no offense Lucy you know I love this place!" Everyone let out a little laugh including Molly. "As I was saying, I was planning on telling you this somewhere else but I'm really falling for you too, you make me feel whole; my whole bad-boy exterior melts away when I'm with you, you make me feel so special. I'm really falling for you Molly, I know it's wrong because you are still engaged but please think if you want a future with me or him." He placed a kiss on her cheek before leaving the cafe, she sat down and started going through everything that had happened over the last few months, how could she find herself in this position. She knew she wasn't in love with Myles anymore but could she really leave him all alone to fend for himself and sacrifice her own happiness in the process, or will she admit how strong her feelings are for Tyler and start living her life the way she wants. Before she could answer her own questions, Lucy walked into the room smiled sweetly at her, "moll, even though you are my Bestfriend and I don't mind covering for you because I know you're doing what's making you happening but that's no excuse for you to be slacking off every second now get your butt out there and serve your customers." With a laugh Molly went back to work.

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