A Silent Smile

221 11 9

Warning- Strong Language and Violence ⚠️

Dream froze, looking angrily around his surroundings, 1..2..3... There's 10. I'm outnumbered by a lot. Dammit... it's over, I've lost. These must be the Ghost Hunters.

"Surrender now! If you don't we will be forced to use violence!" The same man called, "Put your hands behind your head and kneel!"

Dream narrowed his eyes, I suppose I've actually lost... huh. I guess I'll take some out before I get taken out myself.

"Heh" Dream smiled, "Smile!"

Dream stomped, many spikes shot out of the ground. The hunters dodged, some didn't and were punctured by the spikes. The hunters who weren't punctured shot their weapons at Dream, magical ropes grabbed at him. They burned his skin, making a sizzling sound.


After the spikes disappeared, George started cutting at his leg ropes. After the ropes snapped, he lunged over to TapL and cut his ropes as well. The apple farmer was half conscious.

"I've got you," George dunked his hands underneath TapL's arms and started dragging him out of the alleyway.

George watched Dream get grabbed by ropes that burned at his skin. The possessed male ripped off the ropes and shouted at his opponents. Spikes formed on Dreams spine and his fingers turned to claws.

"Fuck all of you!" He hollered, lunging at a Hunter. He slashed down on the hunter who hollered in defeat and dropped to the ground.

George picked up his pace, I'm almost out!

Suddenly, Dream weaved between the hunters and appeared in front of George. It seemed as if Dream had grown an extra foot from how much of a monster he looked like. George's heart sunk when George was picked up by Dream and thrown ten feet into the air before hitting his head hard on the concrete. George opened his eyes. His hearing was muffled and his vision was red and blurry. Dream seemed to be taken down by the hunters who kept shooting ropes at him and pulling back. Dream shouted in protest as he pulled at the ropes, but more kept adding on, making it harder to move.

George blinked weakly and noticed Dream's eyes were no longer full of anger and hostility, but fear and grief.

"——" he was calling out.

George's eyebrows furrowed, he couldn't hear what Dream was saying. It was getting harder and harder to see and hear.

Then he read Dream lips, and he understood. He understood before he fell into a deep darkness.

"George! George! Help me!" Dream called desperately. The Brits eyes glazed over. He seemed out of it.

Did I... kill him...?

Dream throat tightened, he felt more tears fall from his eyes as more and more ropes gripped his arms. Crimson had completely given in and gave Dream control back.

All Dream could see was George lying limp on the ground, blood surrounding the brunettes head. George didn't seem to respond to Dreams pleas.

The terrible thought hit him.

His blood ran cold.

He's dead. I killed him.

"He's dead! He's dead! I killed him!" Dream looked up into the dark sky, I killed my best friend! Dream shut his eyes and wailed in grief while the hunters pulled in closer until they cuffed his hands and feet in steel and put a blindfold over his eyes. So I can't take their souls.

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