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Jeno pov

Nct dream back up gc


C: and why Jennie.
y'all broke up along
time ago. she broke you.

JM: I know, I know.
I just started kissing back.
I guess I thought it was y/n.
dude I don't want anything to
do with Jennie. screw her.

you fucked up with y/n> J

JM: I generally like her
dude. I really want something
with her. she means a lot to me.

R: dude you don't even know
her. and you fucked with her heart.

she dated @kookie_jung after
you fucked with her and he
cheated on her. she said she
gives up on love. you really
changed her. she isn't herself. >J

JS: you talked to her?

of course. she's my friend> J

JS: Jaemin you need
to apologies. you fucked up.

JM: I know I do. I will.


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