Thug!Levi x Thug!Reader

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Dirt, mud, sewage and rain trickle through the streets of the city. Hundreds of feet drenched as they submerge in muddy puddles in the cobblestone pavement, carriages send water flying into unfortunate passers-by as they speed through the street. Poorly made houses line the passageways, some abandoned, some crumbling to the ground and some piles of concrete and wood. 

Still, the underground city, as it was known to the inhabitants due to the criminal underground that had found it’s home there, thrives with life. Children, adults and the elderly outcasts of society all find a place in the mucky streets and unstable houses. 

These were the people no one saw.

 No one remembered or cared about. 

These were the people the government didn’t want the people to see.

As they were criminals.

Well, some were simply related to a criminal or perhaps one of their ancestors were a thief or murderer. Either way, once you found yourself in the gang infested underground city, you almost defiantly didn’t leave.

Levi’s long black jacket swayed behind him with each step took. His cold grey eyes rested on the path ahead of him as he made his way through his town. 

This was his town, and everyone knew it. Mothers with children eyed him with a look of fear etched into their faces. 

Being the head of the biggest gang within a 100 mile radius came with fearful looks from passers-by, a reputation of being merciless, and guns…. Lots of guns. This didn’t affect Levi too much though because he knew that he could live up to the expectations of his subordinates and fellow gang leaders. If he couldn’t they he wouldn’t be in the situation he was in today.

You see, today Levi was meeting the leader of the gang Forgotten Wings. Levi had been told to come alone, which he was, and to have as little weapons as possible. In his waistcoat pocket he had stored his pen-knife and a small pistol, just in case this was an ambush and he was in danger. After years of the thug life, Levi had noticed that most people’s confidence was greatly increased by carrying a weapon, no matter how small. This was not the case for him though. He was dangerous enough without a gun or knife. He was a weapon himself.  His impeccable fighting skills that he had acquired in these streets had saved his life more than any gun had. 

Turning round a corner, Levi found himself staring at a wide building with yellow lights shining through each of the windows that line the walls. Hanging from one, upstairs window was a flag. In the middle was a pair of wings made of bone that were painted black onto a red background. Since there was no wind, the flag was pinned to the wall so the viewer could see it in all it’s glory. 

Levi cleared his throat and a young man with caramel two toned hair turned round the corner and looked at him.

“You Levi?” The man crossed his arms as he looked Levi up and down.

“Yeah” Levi replied simply. The young man nodded and called for someone named (y/n).

After a few seconds this (y/n) turned round the same corner as the young man had. Levi’s breath hitched in his throat and his heartbeat increased. She was beautiful. The way her (h/c) locks swayed as she walked and framed her face. The way her dark eye shadow emphasised the deep red that was painted onto her lips. Even the way she wore several belts that held guns and other weapons and her black combat boots were easily visible as she was wearing tight black pants. Every little thing about her struck him like individual arrows, embedding themselves into his usually stone cold, unyielding heart.

 Her loose white blouse hung to her body and the slits in the sleeves exposed her (s/t) arms. A serious expression was etched into her beautiful features as her (e/c) orbs locked with his grey-blue ones. 

“I’m guessing you don’t know why I invited you here right?” Her voice pulled him even more into a trance. It was smooth as velvet and so sweet sounding, yet he heard the danger and edge to her. Fire burned in her eyes and like a flame she was oh so beautiful yet deadly and unforgiving. Levi only nodded as a reply. “Well I wanted to ask for your help.” She clenched her fists and looked off to the side. “One of my friends was shot by the police a week ago and his wound has become infected.”

 The two toned haired boy’s face held a look of sorrow and grief. They were all seemed to be close to this friend (y/n) was speaking of. “He is a better person than I will ever be, he deserves better than this…” She continued, her voice laced with self-hatred and regret. Suddenly, her head snapped up and her (e/c) gaze once again locked with his. Her eyes glowed with desperation and hope as she continued on. “So I called for you. Rumour has it that you have an amazing doctor as a friend and she can heal any wound! Please, I’ll pay the cost, whatever it is, just please help me! After that you shall never hear of us again, we won’t bother you, I swear!” Her (e/c) orbs scanned his face, looking for any sign of pity, any hope for her friend. This action however, was useless, as Levi’s face was as stoic and emotionless as ever. Levi’s mind on the other hand was racing.

He hauled out a prolonged sigh as he weighed his options. 


“What?” (y/n)’s head was tilted to the side and her perfectly arched eyebrows knit together in confusion.

“I said fine. Meet back here same time tomorrow and I will bring my friend. Don’t be late.” Levi crossed his arms in an attempt to look indifferent about the whole situation but that became useless when he spoke the next few words and his gaze softened:

“Oh I will be hearing from you after all this is over. Now you know my real name and face and will know my friend’s we can’t risk you blabbering to the police. We will be allies whether you like it or not.”

(y/n) smirked and turned away. 

“See you soon Levi.” She called, waving as she walked round the corner she as appeared from.

Levi would be seeing you soon, and little did he know that soon, he wouldn’t have a day without seeing that beautiful, smirking face of yours. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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