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The following day, in my apartment bedroom, I did nothing but contemplate: What's next? Why don't I turn in Joe to Brittany? It almost seemed like an ingenious idea until I compared the strengths and equipment of Peoria PD to NSG. It might as well be the 'Battle of Peoria'! I gradually grabbed my "Unclassified Detective" clipboard and started writing down potential reasons why Joe could be guiltless. If only I had evidence to prove that he meant no harm. JOE'S SECURITY CAMERAS! Abruptly, I felt that there was no way I could lose this case. My client is literally blameless.

*ring ring* *ring ring*

I immediately snatched my telephone and squeezed the lock button so that the ringtone would quiet. I realized Brittany was calling, but this new case that I expected to win to spare my life didn't concern her. Besides, I was in a decent way of discovering approaches to beat it. I didn't need her meddling with my perspective! When my cell phone was silenced, it started ringing once more. Everyone knows if the telephone rings more than once, it must be significant. I answered the phone quickly and tried my best to act normal.

"Yes, Brit?"

"I'm just calling to check on you. I didn't speak to you yesterday." She began.

"I was doing some catching up on the money exchange case," I lied, "When we went downtown, I slightly fell behind."

"Well, did you find any discoveries out in Bartonville? I checked your location last night, and it seems as if you really checked into the whole detective profession," She tittered. "You know all the trouble is happening downtown, girl; nothing is happening in Bville."

I chuckled anxiously. "You can never be too sure."

I wasn't nervous at the fact that she had almost caught me in a lie. Before Joe and I even left the coffee shop, he expressed to me that rule number one when it comes to the NSG warehouse is that NOBODY should know where it is situated.

"I'm fine, Brit. I promise. I'll talk to you later today; I'm getting close to cracking the case." I answered while staring at my clipboard.

"Don't forget! I'm having dinner today downtown at 6 with a few of our friends. I hope to see you there." Brit urged.

"I'll be there," I hurried to hang up the phone, "Goodbye, I love you."

11 a.m. Sweet timing. If I wanted to hurry on with this case, I needed to head over to Joe's house to grab footage of the security cameras to use as proof of evidence in court. The only problem with that is that I had no idea where he stayed. But I had one place in mind where he might be. In consideration of 'Supporting the movement' or whatever Joe said this was, I threw on an all-black plain oversized T-shirt and dark blue-jean daisy dukes. Then, I glanced at my outfit, and it reminded me of the night downtown when I saw that guy wearing the shirt that read "Support the Movement." When I first met Joe, the phrase kept circling in the atmosphere. After encountering whatever happened last night, I was ultimately clear of what the expression meant! The movement was metaphorical

It was a code for people to support the idea of killing criminals for emotional benefit. But how could I express this to the attorney without getting killed!? Joe said, if I snitched, I would die. But if I proved him innocent in court, would I be let off the hook? And IF I could live without being punished for knowing the NSG, would my life be threatened again for simply trying to solve the original case by turning in Joe to the feds for a large amount of money exchange?

There was no more opportunity to think. I had seven hours to interrogate Joe and assemble the entirety of the data I required for his court case. I knew it would be a tireless day. I immediately squeezed the push-to-start button on my keys for my vehicle to begin and dashed out of the door.

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