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"This is how we first met..."

Jungkook didn't wake the latter up after be brought him to his car... He made sure to double check the doors in the shop if it is locked, as well as the other equipments and AC inside... Once he did, he went back to his car and drive him home... But sorry to tell him, the smaller won't be sleeping in his house tonight since Jungkook didn't have any idea where his house is... So yeah, he'll be in Jungkook's room for the next few hours...

Once they arrived home, Jungkook carried the smaller bridal style up to his room, and although he didn't intended to let his dad saw who he's with, Mr. Jeon never interfere with his son's life and just shot him a 'Don't be so loud or your mom might hear' stare from which the younger blushed.

It took him awhile to reach his room since Jimin is literally having the best slumber in his life... His maid helped him open the door as they walked in, and closes it after... Everyone must be thinking weirdly again... He promised to himself that he will never fuck anyone without their consent, so this is just a pure coincidence...

"Dad must be thinking that his own son will fuck this sleeping guy tonight..." He sighed. "He doesn't have any idea that I'm literally freaking out right now since Jimin-ssi will be sleeping next to me..."

He isn't overreacting okay? He's really having a crisis right now and his family isn't helping at all... And by the time Jungkook wanted to sleep, it's already 6 in the morning... Perfect timing...

"....Min... Jimin-ssi wake up..." Jungkook poked the latter's soft cheeks. "You don't want us to be late right?"

Jimin purred while hearing the soft voice of a young boy... He always dream about having someone to wake him up whenever he's feeling lazy... So today is a great—


Who the hell calls his name this early??
And he's definitely not hearing things....

"Jiminie... Jiminie wake up!" Jungkook shook his shoulder lightly. "We only have 25 minutes before our first class..."

Jimin rose from where he was lying and look around... Shit! He wasn't in his room...

"Jimin-ssi... I-uh.... I brought you here last night since I didn't know where you live... I-I promise I didn't do anything to you, not even tucking your hair behind your ear..." Jungkook defended himself, causing the smaller to smile...

"It's okay Jungkook-ssi, I understand... You didn't have to explain anything since I was the one who bother you... I'm sorry for being slumber, I shouldn't slept on the shop in the first place..." He combed his hair with his fingers and adjusted his shirt. "Guess I should leave now so that you can prepare for the school...."

"No it's okay... You can freshen up here and eat breakfast with me since my classes starts at 9am..." The taller offered.

"But mine starts within few minutes..." He pouts. "I think it will be better if I'll just attend the next class instead since Mr. Song is quite strict when it comes to tardiness..."

"He is, and I must say, even the great Jeon Jungkook can't help it but to feel scared whenever he's mad..." Both of them chuckles while remembering their professor being mad on their first day... It's quite funny that they shared the same thought about him...

"Do you want me to wait for you in the living room instead? You might need some time alone to get ready..." Jungkook offers. "And oh! I asked my secretary to buy you clothes for change, so I hope you don't mind..."

"Are you really The Jeon Jungkook that everyone knows? The ethereal looking guy who likes to party and fuck around? You doesn't look intimidating at all... You're so.... soft and caring, like a bunny..." Jimin petted the other's head. "You're different from the guy I met yesterday..."

Jungkook's face turned cold, as if he became a whole new person... He held the smaller's wrist and guide his hand down to his chest and whisper, "I'm still that guy, princess... I just happen to care about you since you look fragile and sensitive... You should be careful though, you still don't know the other sides of me..." Then he kissed the latter's wrist and smirks.

"I-I'm sorry... I think I'll just leave..." Jimin looks down, blush creeping up to his ears.

"Nope... We are going to have breakfast together, so take a quick shower now and I'll meet you downstairs..."

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