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I was stolling thru the mall, looking for lemon sapling (becus I LUV lemons!!!!) When suddenly...he was ther....John Lemon!!!!!!

I was flabbergasted at his beutiful image, tantalised by his delicos gase.

Soon, he notced me two, and was consumed by my brilliance, not hestating to aproach me.

"Hey." He said. "Hey...Jon Leamon..." i respoanded.

My eyes flutter3d to the groand, butterflies swaurmng my stomak, when i fellt him toach my shoualder.

Abruptly, I loaked up, and his loavely eyes were pinned on min....

"I wanna fuck you." He said roughly, imediatly catcing me off guard.

"B-b-b-but- what if people judge us??" I spome worriedly, fear pumping throghot me, untill....

He Kissed Me!!!!!

It was a long, pasionate kiss, and at the end I was beathless...

"You talk too much." He said, and I nodded.

After that, we did the you know what, and he stuck it right in my pocket.


No critism!!! This story is PERFECT!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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