Chapter I

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Chapter One - Reddington

Niall's P.O.V.

An icy November wind hits my face as I walk out if the limo that had taken me here. I look up at the large imposing building. Overgrown ivy trails down the brick walls and wraps around the wrought iron terrace posts. You would never know what it really is from the outside. Maybe outsiders think it is an old mansion that some stuffy rich family lives in or a dusty museum, old and forgotten. But on the inside the Reddington Center for Troubled Teenage Musicians tells a different story. A large black SUV pulls up behind my limo and a big buff dude gets out and rushes to the back door. The girl who steps out of the car looks no older than twelve but from the look in her eyes I can tell her mind is much older. The girl is pale and skin and bones thin. She looked so weak she could snap if I gave her one if my Famous Horan Hugs. I smile sadly trying to remember the last time I gave one if those. 
"You ready to go inside Mr. Horan”
The chauffeur asks. I nod and begin to climb the steps one at a time. I look back and see the little girl weakly scurrying inside clutching a violin case to her chest with a death grip. As I get checked in for treatment I can't help but wonder who she is and how she wound up here.

I walk up to a desk labeled 'sign in here'.
I say to the perky looking blonde women sitting behind the desk. The woman snaps her head up from the paperwork she had been preoccupied with. A smile spreads across her face as she recognizes me.
"Mr. Horan we've been expecting you.”
She presses a button on a keypad and a man comes out and takes my suitcase and guitar and hurries away.
"Where is he-"
“Don’t worry Mr. Horan they will be returned to you shortly. Now if you will follow me I will show you around our wonderful facility."
As we were about to go through a door into a hallway the double doors at the entrance to Reddington burst open and the mysterious girl and the sour looking man she was with walk in briskly. The man came over to the receptionist I was with and exchanged a hurried conversation too low for me to comprehend. I look over at the girl who is leaning against the wall tiredly with her eyes closed and violin case hanging loosely in her hand. Under the fluorescent lights I could she was in worse condition that I thought. I could wrap my hand completely around her thighs and her skin was so pale, like she had never seen the sun. I smiled at her weekly, though her eyes were still closed. She was humming something – it was slow and mournful, yet still beautiful, and reminiscent, like I had heard it before. I stood there staring at her listening to her song, and thinking how it was just like her. The man and the receptionist finally finished speaking in there hushed tones. The brooding man took the girls arm and led her quickly down a corridor. Who is she?

Rozalyne’s POV
I could feel him staring at me through my closed eyes. I knew he was listening intently to the tune I was humming. He is wondering who I am, why I’m here. He doesn’t even recognize me. God I don’t even recognize me anymore. I am a completely different person then I was 2 years ago, and I doubt he would still love the person I turned myself into. My memories transport me back to the X-Factor, when we met. I was a guest musician on Week 3 when they sang Nobody Know's. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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