The Case

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Peter Huntsman was dead.

The guttural voice from a telephone booth that had called the cops at exactly three ante meridiem had rather startled them. Especially Regina.

Regina Hawkins had been organizing some of her latest cases she had solved when her trusted police friend, Dawn Laue contacted her. She was glad, perhaps, to finally get out from the tedious clean up she had in her rather dull office.

Dull because she knew whatever stored in there. 

Then here she was, standing in the cold dark night save for the lights of the siren. The body seemed as if it was perfectly dismembered. By a trained killer, perhaps.

Sprinkles of raindrops trickled down towards Regina's face. Down towards a puddle of blood. Whoever had done this had fun.

Beside her, Officer Laue observed the man's identification card in his blood-soaked wallet which consisted of an identification card, contact information, three business cards (which she had noticed as big companies in her area such as Daniel Robert's), and hard cash. Money.

Untouched, Dawn Laue had explained moments before. It was true. 

Another crime scene investigator got up from his spot at the man's feet, his camera dangling from the tips of his fingers. He shook his head.

The anonymous message had been clear. This murder was not going to be the last. But the first of many.

"I've seen enough," Regina said, her voice unfaltering even as she observed the dead man's head.

The man was dismembered and was then killed by a swift slice in the neck. Not completely through the neck but far enough to suggest that the man, Peter had choked onto his own blood, his eyes wide open. And still is.

Frightened. Haunted. Lifeless.

Dawn Laue nodded his head towards his partner. He then turned towards Regina, his mouth a thin line. "If this isn't the last, we should track him down. Fast." He brushed away his soaked dark hair from his eyes as he again turned towards the body. His hands in his pocket.

"I know." Regina's voice was dead as she continued on, "The cards though. That could be our first lead because again, we can't be too sure with what this man is. Or who he had been before this." She narrowed her eyes on the body. 

Officer Laue raised an eyebrow. "But it's a must for us to contact Peter Huntsman's family." He finally turned away from the pool of blood.

Again, Regina answered, "I know." She whirled so fast that Dawn backed away in shock. "That's your job as a police officer. As usual, you summoned me because you needed some extra help with your cases unless you would rather me going back to my dull clients."

"I was just pointing it out." He again raised his eyebrow. "You don't look good."

A hoarse laugh escaped Regina's lips. "Who would feel good after looking at a dismembered body?" A lie but he bought it anyways.

"Then let's meet in the morning."

The crime scene investigator nodded towards Dawn as more cop cars drove down towards the street. It was hard to see anything through the now hard rain but Regina kept her chin high as the cars arrived and the sirens grew louder.

The body was now covered head-to-toe in white fabric the police officers had laid. A cluster of murmurs broke out afterwards and as a officer started to shout orders, Regina stepped back into the shadow.

It had took them precisely two minutes before they arrived at the scene but the body looked as if it had been used up in hours. The call must have been from hours after. A probably bored killer.

But as police officers caved in, Regina could only mouth one word before disappearing into the night.



CHOICE (Closed):

- Review the case in the police department (Dawn Laue's office)

- Review the case alone using all information she had got from tonight.



Yeah, it's short~! But hey, shorter it is, the more easier it is to find clues!! There are a bunch of them here!!

Stay updated for the next update~!

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