Time end this

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" Ok, so we know that it's one tank but we need to find out what they smoke for is," said Miho 

 " We determined it will be for a counter-attack," said, Francis

" So we need to set up defence position," she said

 " How many of use are left " asked tucker 

then something happened and time skipped 

it was somehow down to Miho, Maho and Francis

" Dang I hat time-jumps " he whispered to himself 

" What was that Francis? " asked tucker

" Oh nothing " he responded  

Sometimes with Sears time would jump and it was very confusing at times. But didn't have to worry too much and at this very moment Francis wasn't worried either because the outcome was set in stone and it was a good one he hoped.
There was one problem though if time was changed too much the punishment was not good and with multiple Sears and how he drastically changed the timeline, he could only hope he could keep it intact.

The same battle takes place
It gets down to Miho and Francis. 

Francis then said something " I want to fight Alice just me and her "

Miho and Alic both agreed after some talk

" Hay Miho can you count down to 10 please," he asked 

" Shure " she responded then starting 

Francis then leaned down and talked to his friends 

"Ok boys do you remember T-34 Eh?" he asked

 They nodded

" Remember the last fight scene? "

How could we, you mad us each it 30 times Eh " said Tucker 

" We are doing that " he smiled 

All the boys cheered and went into position. Francis then went to look at Alice one last time before the fight 

" Good luke Alice " he shouted 

" Thanks, Francis, same to you " She responded. just then Mih Finished counting

this is the fight that happened. Francis team drifted like in the movie. but instead of the bridge it is the amusement park. and they destroy the tread and drift past the tank and hit the turret

The fight was over quick and fast. It was good that way. He then went out to talk to Alice. 

" GG Alice, that was like a good hockey game," he said. he waited but Alice didn't come out. Some girls came out girls and one came to him. 

" Are you Francis? " She asked

" Yes I am, where is Alice? " he responded 

" You should talk to her," She said. He then went into the tank and saw her with her head in her legs

" Alice are you ok? " he asked 

She looked up at him  " What are you doing here " she said in tears

" Alice I wasn't  driving and it was a reference," he said

She sniffed and wiped her eyes " T-34 " she said

He was surprised to her that " You watched T-34 " He said surprised 

" Yep and I enjoyed it," she said 

 They then hugged each other 

" I am surprised we got that done fast," he said 

They then hurd a " Bow Chicka Bow-wow " from outside the tank 

Alice looked confused and Francis went outside. 

" TTUUUUCCCKKKEEEERRR " He shouted as he went to chase him

That caused Alice to laugh and soon everyone was 

" How about we go get something to eat," said Maho

"Where would we go? " Asked Miho 

" The boy's career, we were having a party and have more than enough food for everyone, " Said Francis " 

Everyone cheard

( Happy New Year everyone )

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