chapter three

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𝐓𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖
𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 | 𝟏:𝟏𝟏 𝐏.𝐌.

Kentrell sat in his own world, scrolling on his phone as everyone else around him did whatever.

Feeling the spot next to him sink in, he mentally groaned hoping whoever it was didn't bother him.

" Whatcha' doing? " Ryan asked placing her head on his shoulder.

" Don't chu' got a nigga ta' tend to ah'sum? "

Kentrell kept his rested, natural mug as he moved over a bit. Ryan's head fell down quickly from the swift movement making her catch herself.

" Kentrell you are so mean. "

" Getcho' ass out mane. " He let his first thought flow from his lips.

He was already having a bad day, her nagging was just adding to his irritation. Last night the two had relations, but Kentrell was too high off drugs and sex to even put her out then.

Ryan stood to her feet with a pout all over her face. Her stomping away was music to Kentrell's ears.

He got comfortable once again this time going to Instagram on his phone.

Hearing the door slam no less than a minute later made the male chuckle lowly.

" Why dat' bitch stomping outta' hea? " Joe asked walking with Chastity right behind him.

Kentrell took notice that she was one of the girls from his Birthday Bash.

" Mad I just wanted ta' fuck and not play ha' nigga fa' the day. "

" You'a mess dude. " Joe laughed. " This Chastity tho, Chastity you know dats' my brotha'. "

" Wassam. " Kentrell kept it simple.

He wasn't fond of meeting new people either. He was so used to him and hus brothers bringing females in and out, so he never gave any of them much attention.

Chastity on the other hand didn't care about anyone else around. She was definitely in the lust stage and everyone could see it.

Kentrell's mind started to ponder on if Chastity knew Channing was pregnant for Joe.

Just as he was about to ask, he remembered that's none of his business.

Even though he loved to messy.

He's definitely the type to instigate a situation in the beginning and be happy when it plays out in chaos.

" Don't chu' got a friend? " Kentrell looked Chastity's way remembering.

" A best friend? Yep! "

" Wea' she at? "

" Yeah wea' ha' lit ass at? " Kd migrated inside the room.

" She had some business to handle. " Chastity shrugged them off.

Kentrell nodded, already peeping how short and simple her answers were.

He lit his blunt that had gone out before sitting back on the couch and exhaling a cloud of smoke.

He smoked all the time for years, but since his birthday he had been a rolling train.

Being eighteen didn't feel much different to him. He had been moving like a grown man since the age of twelve.

One thing Kentrell was definitely proud of was making it to eighteen with no babies.

Of course he had scares with multiple women, but either they were lying to keep him around or the baby wasn't his.

He couldn't wait to have a mini him running around though.

His mind started to wonder off to how far he had came in his career. He enjoyed meeting his fans, old & new, making others feel better and having their love and support.

If you told him he would be this mind three years ago, no one would believe.

" Kentrell! " Sherhonda yelled knocking him from his thoughts.

" Why you in my house? " Kentrell mumbled.

He wasn't for the bullshit today and that's all Sherhonda every brings.


" Because I wanna be. When you go on tour? " She stood in front of him.

" Why? What you want? " Kentrell already knew the rodeo with his mother.

Sad to say she looks at her son as a cash cow.

" I wanted ta' go with yo sour ass. "

" Nah you wanna leech off me. Gone on home mane. " Kentrell waved her off.

One thing Kentrell always demanded from his mother was some respect. He didn't care about getting loud with her nor disrespecting her.

She abandoned him when he needed her the most, but yet he still gave the woman anything in the world. On his timing of course.

" You can sit around here and buy everything else that's fucking useless, but can't pay for me a trip? You stupid ass ain't shit. " She inched closer and closer to his face with her index finger pointing at him.

" Get out Sherhonda. " Kentrell replied calmly.

He counted to ten in his head with his eyes shut tightly. Something that actually worked from previous therapy sessions.

" Fuck yo dumb ass. " She said mushing his head before walking out.

Kentrell shook his head with a slight smile as he headed to his room.

Chastity sat back wondering how could his mother talk to him like that. Joe and Kd kept quiet already knowing that they would talk in like a week or two.

They knew not to chase after Kentrell either. He was more than likely going to blow steam off or to sleep.

Kentrell sat on his bed, still smoking his blunt. He thought on how his siblings didn't deserve a mother like Sherhonda the same way he doesn't .

If he could give them a new life and a new world, he would.

Just to be okay and be normal.

Feeling his face grow hot, he held his head down knowing his tears were working their way up.

He didn't realize they had already started falling.

Showing emotion was something Kentrell just couldn't be comfortable with in front of people.

He was always told men shouldn't cry or show a bit of emotion. So he always wore his heart on his sleeve.

Even though it was normal for any human being, it just didn't sit right with the male.

Whenever he was mad, sad or even frustrated he would try his best to fight any waterworks from turning on.

Turning to what he knew best, he cleaned his face and stood to his feet.

Sliding both phones in his pocket, Kentrell headed to the studio inside his home. What better way to blow off some steam than releasing his pain through his songs.

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