Chapter 5

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The girl showed him around the grand palace and its rooms with all sorts of amazing things. There were rooms full of pictures of watery landscapes that often moved magically, rooms full of giant shells, scallops, crystals, rooms with all sorts of tools and many more majestic places. The last one was Sophie's favourite. It was full of thousands of bookshelves with many interesting titles and different genres. The girl loved to read and one of her dreams was to finish every single book from the library, although this sounded impossible because new ones were constantly being shown. Axel was also amazed, even though he loved martial arts more than reading. At one point, they heard music and realized that the boy's family had arrived and hurriedly headed to the gates.

In a scarlet red dress and a gold crown on her head, Axel's mother, Queen Miranda Phoenix, stood in front of them. Next to her on both sides were: a man of her age, with hair in the colour of the Axel's and golden eyes, with a great majestic crown on the head of gold, his father – King Noah Phoenix and a boy with dark hair and the eyes of the king, with a carefree expression, his brother – Lucas.

"It was a very pleasant surprise that you invited us to your home, Selena. It's nice to see my dear friend after all these years. " Miranda said, shaking her hand with a tender smile.

"It's good to see you too, Miranda. And you too, Noah," the Queen said in an equal voice. Sophie could feel her mother struggling with herself. After all, it was very difficult for her after all these years." Please come, make yourself comfortable and we'll see you again for dinner."

Axel's parents asked where to stay, and only his brother stayed with his old friends.

"Hey, Soph, look how big you've grown! You've become an amazing beauty! I just wanted to ask you out of pure curiosity, is Iza coming to dinner? Not that I care much, but I'm just curious if the old group will come together in full," he said. Despite his words, Sophie knew he longed to see Iza and laughed.

"Hahahahahah well, if you say so. I guess she will be there, so get ready! She and I stayed friends. It was only her brother's relationship that broke down," she was a little sad at the thought of Thomas, and Axel also noticed her and was about to ask what had happened, but his brother interrupted him.

"Oh, so she's coming?!? That's great!!! ..... I mean, yeah, so it's good. Not that I care," but she could see how happy he was with the news. "Well, then my brother and I will leave you alone so we can rest for a while. See you later! "and caught under his arm his brother.

"See you later! "Axel smiled at her with a gentle look.

"See you later! "Sophie replied and they split up.

Sophie long swirled in her bed immersed in joy when someone knocked on the door. The girl opened and saw her best friend from childhood – Isabelle Woodwing. Today, her almost white hair was medium length. Like Sophie's, she was a little weirder than normal and could change her length. She had incredibly light blue eyes and wore a knee-length summer dress in pastel green.

"Sophie, hi! I understand the Fire Royal Family has come to town for the Tournament and is in the palace! Is that true? Do you know anything about it?" Iza said excitedly.

"Yes, Isa, it's true! Who's going to believe we're going to see them again? I just saw everyone, and even before that, when I finished riding, Axel saved me from a vampire and we finally saw each other! "she noticed her friend's gaze and remembered what she wanted to ask and answered her directly. "And yes, Lucas is here too. I saw him. He's grown even more. I'm sure you will like it! "winked at her.

"Oh, then he's here too! "The girl was excited in response, but quickly remembered. "Are you insane! Me, liking this irritant? Never! I'm sure he's the same, and if he sees me, we will fight! He will probably boast like he always does and annoys me! "she said annoyedly.

Although she was 17 and Lucas – 18, both behaved like children alongside that love. Then the two girls thought about it and laughed from the heart. They chatted a little bit as Sophie told her in detail what had happened and laughed a little bit, and Iza said they should dress up fabulously for dinner and enchant them and, as she said, rub Lucas's nose with her lovely look.

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