Chapter 7: Shopping

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Ino made her way to Sakura's house she felt bad about what happened yesterday and wanted to make it up to her. Ino arrived at the front door and knocked, she was greeted by Mebuki who let her in.

"Sakura are you in here?" Said Ino as she opened the door to Sakura's room.
"Hey Ino... What are you here for?" Sakura said gloomily.
"Well I thought we could go out on a shopping spree I'll pay for everything, it's the least I can do for you... Oh and I brought you these." Ino said with a smile on her face handing Sakura a bundle of pink flowers.
"Thanks Ino, but I don't really feel like going out." Sakura said grabbing the flowers she smiled at the gesture.
"Oh come on it'll be fun I promise, you can't stay in your room forever Tsunade will be onto you before you know it." Ino said putting her hand on Sakura's shoulder.
It was silent for a bit before Sakura answered.
"Fine, I'll come along but let me clean up a bit." Sakura said heading towards the door.

The two Kunoichi made their way to Ino's favourite clothing shop. They arrived and the owner greeted Ino on a first name basis, "Jeez how often does she come here?" Thought Sakura.
"How about this one!" Ino said lifting up a pink dress with a white flower pattern on the end of the sleeves and the bottom of the dress.
"I guess it looks alright I'll go get changed." Sakura said grabbing the dress and heading towards the change rooms.
It was about 2 minutes before Sakura came out in the dress, it suited her almost perfectly, like it was made for her.
"Sakura... It's amazing! It's perfect!" Ino squealed.
Sakura felt really pretty in the dress as she looked into the mirror again, she had a big smile on her face.
"Thank you Ino, you're a good friend." Sakura said before walking over to Ino giving her a hug.
"It's alright Sakura like I said it's the least I could do for you, after all you are my best friend." Ino said returning the hug.
"Now go get changed and hand me the dress I'll go pay for it." Ino said.

Ino made her way up to the counter and payed for the dress, it was relatively cheap considering how high quality it was.
Sakura came out from the change rooms smiling, it was good to see Sakura in a good mood again.
The two browsed some other stores picking up a few more small items before making their way to their favourite restaurant.

The two females sat down in the corner of the small restaurant and started chatting away before their food arrived, it took a while for it to cook but it was definitely worth it.
"So, Sakura anywhere else you'd like to visit?" Ino said still chewing her food she'd picked up Chōji and Naruto's eating habits.
"Umm... I'm not sure where'd I'd like to go we've pretty much been everywhere." Sakura said.
"Not everywhere, there's a new Kimino and robes shop and apparently they've got some really good stuff." Ino said as she finished up her food.
"Alright sounds good we'll let's go after I finish eating." Sakura said having her last bite.

They got up and Ino paid for the food, they started walking in the general direction of the shop getting lost a couple of times before finding it on the corner of a isolated street.

The two walked in and to both their surprises found Naruto at the counter. Sakura tried to leave but Ino grabbed her and told her that she'd have to talk to him soon and that he was her teammate. Sakura sighed and they walked over to Naruto.

"Hey Naruto!" Said Ino.
Naruto jumped with the look of shock on his face.
He saw Ino and Sakura and he did that awkward smile he does.
"Hey guyyys... What are you doing here?" Naruto said scratching the back of his head, he was embarrassed by the fact they found him here.
"Well Sakura and I have been shopping all day and we heard this opened up recently and wanted to check it out, the real question is what're you doing here." Ino said grabbing his cheek.
"Oh well you know... They uhhh... Do custom robes and stuff and I wanted to get one made I guess and here I am picking it up." Naruto said trying to hide it behind him.
Ino realised and peered behind him onto the counter. It was a red robe with black flame on the bottom, it was actually really nice but it was red and not orange.
"Who are you and what have you done with my Naruto. Naruto only wears orange." Ino said playfully.
"Eheheheh... very funny Ino." Naruto said doing that awkward smile again.

The lady at the counter came back and gave Naruto a bag for his new clothing. Naruto paid the money he owed.

"Cya guys!" Naruto said hugging Ino.
"I might come over later Naruto." Ino said as he left.
"Well that was awkward." Said Sakura.
"You bet but did you see what he bought it was good and he picked it! Can you believe it?" Ino said.
Sakura laughed and went over to the Kimino's and started browsing, Ino followed.
"Jeez these are pricey, how did Naruto pay for something in here and custom made." Sakura said as she looked at a light pink Kimino.

The two browsed for 3 minutes more and left. The two teenagers made their way to Sakura's house with hands full of bags. They talked to Tenten along the way as she made her way to training. They knocked on Sakura's door.

The door opened and Mebuki greeted them.
"Well, well, well looks like you two had some fun today." Mebuki said inviting them in.
"Yeah it was actually refreshing, I can't thank you enough Ino." Sakura said smiling as she placed her bags on the tables.
"No worries Sakura again it was the least I could do." Ino said going to hug Sakura.
"Well I best be off now, I promised my mother I'd help unpack the new shipment of flowers when I got back. See you both whenever!" Ino said waving as she exited the door.
"You've got a good friend Sakura." Mebuki said smiling.
"Yeah... I really do." She smiled and made her way to her room with her bags in hand.

Ino had just finished helping her mother and made her way to Naruto's, she couldn't wait to see what he would look like in that robe she was already blushing from the thought of it.


This chapter was a bit of a filler chapter before we head into the more interesting story chapters, I'll also slow down on the chapter releases so I have more time to look over it and make changes etc.
As always please leave feedback it really helps me out. Have a good day/night and I'll see you all next time.

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