I bet we make a good match

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Amy's pov:

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said, "wot!!??" I literally screamed. "Miss can u calm down? Let me explain!" He said in a cold voice. We sat on the chairs, he started speaking "miss I need your help, my grandpa isn't well now he is insisting to show my girlfriend, so can you act like one" he said, I was quite for a while
"But why dont you bring your girlfriend??" I asked confusingly. "Coz I dont have one" he said rather annoyingly. Oh I muttered to myself. "What is your name" he asked. "A-amy" i said.
And then all of a sudden he dragged me into the room to the old man. While I was still processing what happened " grandpa this is amy, my girlfriend" he exclaimed.
Wot??#$! What the hell is happening, I thought to myself but I can see that guy was gesturing me to speak something.
"Hello Grand pa! I'm Amy nice to meet you" I spoke the hell out. "Come come sit here" he said pointing at the chair. I sat down nervously as julian stood beside me. " what is your age child?" He asked giving me a welcoming smile, "I'm 20" I said. "She is so cute julian and I'm so happy for you" grandpa said I can see tears forming in his eyes. So his name is julian I thought to myself. "Grandpa she is the one who saved you" that julian guy said, "really!!, thank you so much my child" he said caressing my head.
"Its ok grandpa" i spoke
"So are you both staying together now" grandpa asked, I was going to say no but then julian said yes.
After some talk with grandpa the doctor said he needed rest so julian and I came out.
"Miss amy do you have a boyfriend?" He asked. " n-no why do you ask??" I said rather annoyingly. "Then miss amy I want to make a contract relationship with you" he spoke I choked on my saliva. "What?" I yelled. "Miss you dont need to decide now I give you 3 days to decide, then tell me about it and I'll pay you well" he said as he gestured his assistant to give me his visiting card and contract details. " read this well and tell me your decision and if you have any requests dont hesitate to ask" he said while leaving the hospital.
He stopped suddenly and said I bet we make a good match"
Huh!!! Annoying, I thought to myself

This was short and only Amy's (fl) pov was written but the tea is yet to come he he he

So y'all wanna know what happens next stay tuned to this story and spam the comments

Tell me your doubts and opinions in comments or message me directly

Stay happy and safe....
Sending love like hell💕

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