Y/n and draco #1

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You wake up in your bed,
You are exited, your going to hogwarts for the first time. You really hope you can make some friends, on the previous school you got bullied, even so bad you wake up in a hospital with a head ache.
But your still nervous, everything can happen what if they don't like me? Or what if everyone bullies me again?
'ugh' you think in your head. 'I really need a friend who is kind and sweet.'

||Okay so, you transferred schools bc you got bullied very much, now you go to hogwarts hoping there are nicer childs, your going in the 4th year of hogwarts. Onto the story ^>^||

You walk in your kitchen to grab some breakfast before you head to the train station.
It's really early, like really early.
You live alone with your mom, your dad died when you where young.
When you've ate your breakfast your mother says "honey, let's get in the car before the train leaves without you"
You look up and you respond "allright mom, let me get some cookies, Candy's and an apple" you laugh and you get it. Your mom needs to laugh as well and says "allright then honey,
I'm allready waiting in the car if you need me."

After you got all the food you get your bags and you put it in the car. You allready have one lollypop in your mouth.
Your mom laughs and says "don't eat too much honey, haha. You don't want a stomach ache haha."     And with that your mother drives away to the station.
After a few hours you arrived at the station. You kiss your mom goodbye, "good luck sweetheart. Promise to sent me letters, okay?" You hug her back and you say "I promise mom, goodbye now.."

Your mom gives you a kiss on your cheek and waves goodbye. "Bye sweetie" your mom says

Your mom is driving to home and leaves you there with all those people and the massive train. You get your bags and head into the train
You take a seat and after a while a girl walks in and asks "hello, I am Hermione Granger, can I sit here with my friends?" You nod, "yes of course you can, I am Y/n Y/l/n"

Hermione smiles and says "I haven't saw you before? Are you new or something?" You look up to her and you smile "yes I'm new here, I just transferred school." She smiles. "That's cool. Can we be friends by the way?" You are so happy right now! You never had a real friend before, you had a fake friend that used you for making her homework.
"OMG yess! I've never had a friend before! I'm so happyy" Wich made a big smile and somehow also pity on her face.

After you talked with her 'bout your lives and your vacations. Then Hermione's friends walked in. A guy with round glasses and brown/black hair and a guy with red hair and freckels. The guy with the glasses asks "hey Hermione! We've missed you! Who is this girl next to you?" He points at you.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n." Hermione said, before you could say anything. "She is new, transferred schools."
The guy with red hair and freckels introduces himself "hello! I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."
You smile. "Hello Ron!" you responded to him.
Then the dude with the glasses introduces himself, "hello Y/n, I am Harry Potter"
He raises his hand to shake yours. You shake your hand. Ron and Harry are sitting opposite you and Mione.
You talk a bit about your vacations and they ask you about your previous school.

After a few hours you arrived at hogwarts. Your exited! You allready made 3 friends! You head with your new friends, Hermione, Harry and Ron to the great Hall, you still don't know your house, your friends- told many nice things about the griffindor house, you hope you get sorted in the griffindors.
You heard not many good things about Slytherin, you really hope you won't get in there. Dumbledore yells to come above all the talk of those people. "OKAY,  WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT JOINING US, BE NICE TO HER, Y/n come here."it's getting really quiet and everyone looks at you, but that doesn't bother you, You introduce yourself.
"Hey, I am y/n! And I am 15" you said.

The sorter hat is speaking: "hmmm your a hard one, you are full of confidence, but you are sweet and you have a heart of gold too!" You blushed a bit cause that was really emberessent even for you! The hat is speaking again. "hmmmm...? SLYTHERIN!!" You are from blushing to mad, "NOO000o..! C'mon are you serious?!" You look at Hermione and she looks disappointed, that you are not in her house, but she still smiled at you, to let you know it's not too bad.
You heard some guy behind you talk to another boy, "too bad... She is cute" you ignored it and you sit on the slithering table.

After you made another friend in Slytherin you didn't felt sad anymore, you finally had some friends!
But something feels weird, like someone is staring at you..? You look up and you see a dude with beautiful silfer-blonde hair with stone collided eyes, look at you. You stare back to imitate him, he looked away after a few seconds, your plan worked hahaa.

After you finished dinner you head to your dorm to unpack. And there was another girl, your roommate. She introduced herself with a bitchy look, "ohh.. hey.. guess we are roommates?? I am pansy, I am the smartest of our class. I am 15" she smirks. Not just a smirk a really ugly one. You play mean to her too "oh hey. I am y/n. and yea, I think it's kinda obvious that we are roommates." You say selfish. she grumbles "whatever"

You head to the griffindor common room after you finished unpacking. But you where stopped by the guy that was staring at you before. "Ohh hey, you need something??" You ask. He looks down at you. "Hey, where are you going this late?" You are getting more and more irritated.
"Why would you care? Mind your own business" he frounds, "oh sorry I haven't introduced myself, how rude of me. I am Draco. Draco Malfoy."
Your a lil. Confused but you still say your name "hey...? I am Y/n, so what do you want?" He looks curious to you, "it's late, you can get in trouble, there are many bad people in here. You can get hurt." You look at him in a mean way and you say "well too bad, and by the way, why would someone hurt anyone for no reason and even if they are new?" He looks down at you with a frouwn on his face. "Watch out.. they're are many maniacs and psycho's, and worse of all..." You look at him curious what else can be worser than that. "teAchErS! If they see you this late they have to give you detention, and you don't want detention right? Sweet little girl?" He smirks. You get angry and you pull him all to the ground, "outch" he says, while you go to the griffindor common room to meet your friends, and bc of this incident to talk 'bout Draco"

You arrived and you tell Ron, Harry and Hermione about what draco said.
Harry looks a bit angry and says a bit irritated "that bastard, uhggg he's a jerk, but Y/n..." You look up to Harry and you look at him curious. "Malfoy is kinda right, you shouldn't go out this late, it's actually dangerous, and what you really definitely don't need to do is to go outside late.." Harry says. He keeps going with his story "I even almost died couse of a teacher that was apparently a wherewolf! But a creature saved me." You look impressed to him and Hermione that they experienced this.

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