chapter 2:into the game

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When wentuarian opened his eyes he wasn't on his gaming chair, he was laying in the grass when he got up he saw his siblings asleep on the grass “guys,Wake up” he yelled.ventuarian took a look around it looked like the map that he was on in gmod™. An hour later ventuarian managed to wake them up “where are we?” asked immortalkyodi,bethanyfrye, and homelessgumba at the exact same time,ventuarian explained to them that they were in gmod right when he finished Bethanyfrye said“hey,what's that red thingy?”they all turned around to see what she was pointing at “its that Teletubby,the on that caused the glit”- before she could finish ventuarian said“thats it” ,“what's it” asked immortalkyodie “the Teletubby got us here, maby if we cause that glitch to happen again we could go back home!!!!” answered ventuarian “your a genious” homelessgumba exclaimed. immortalkyodie got her physics gun and smacked the Teletubby against the ground, but it didn't get stuck. on their second try they got it stuck in the ground then homelessgumba put Mega-thrusters on the Teletubby when he activated the trusters the portal reappeared they all cheered in exitemen and jumped in. An hour later they woke up again but they weren't back home “crap” ventuariantale yelled “not again” said Bethanyfre.

Can you guess where they are now?
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