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Present Day
It was a normal afternoon at Collège François Dupont.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in her seat ogling at Adrien Agreste while he was doing his work and ignoring Lila who was desperately trying to get his attention.

Alya was talking to Nino who sat in front of her and Marinette, next to Adrien.

Chloe Bourgeois, the Mayor's daughter was bossing around her "best friend", Sabrina.

The other boys were at the back of the class talking about videogames and sports.

The girls were talking while watching Marinette stare at Adrien until he turned around to ask Marinette a question which pulled her out of her train of thought.

Marinette became startled and did a silent squeal. She looks at Adrien with wide eyes then relaxed and did an awkward smile.

"Marinette," said Adrien. Marinette began to stutter and tensed at her name, "y-ye-Yesss A-Adrien?" Marinette asked. "Can you help me with this question please, I think I was absent that day?" He asked politely. "M~m~meee? I mean ye-yeah s-so-sure A-Adrien!!" Marinette slurred before placing her hand over her mouth.

"Great, Nino do you mind switching with Mari for a bit?" Adrien asked. "Of course not ma dude," Nino replied getting up at the same time as Marinette.

While Marinette was walking down the stairs with some of her books clenched to her chest, as she left her bag at her seat, she tripped.

Her books went flying, but when she was about to hit the floor, a hand gripped her wrist, pulled her and she hit someone's chest as she was 'twirled' into a tight embrace.

They stayed there for a while until Marinette decided to she see who her 'Knight in shining amour' was. She looked up in shock at who it was, "Adrien," she whispered under her breath. Oh, now she was flushed and blushed as red as the ladybug suit if that's even possible.

She pulled back to see Alya with a sly smirk on her face while, Nino, who had already sat next to his girlfriend was trying to bite back a smile. Both Nino and Alya were staring unlike the rest of the class who were unbothered.

Marinette whisper-yelled, "Thank you," while bending down to pick up her belongings. "Always Mari," Adrien said rubbing the back of his neck nervously as his face lit up with a light tint of pink.

Marinette had finished picking up her books then sat in Nino's seat placing her books on the desk.

Adrien then sat next to her. They both were in silence until, " its this one, do you think you can help me?" Adrien questioned, pointing to the question in his book, looking straight into Mari's bluebell eyes.

"," Marinette replied and began to explain.



"EMMA AGRESTE STOP CHASING HUGO THIS INSTANT!!!" Naya yelled behind Emma who was chasing her youngest brother, Hugo, through the Agreste Mansion 2.0. "But aunt Naya, he stole my lucky charm," Emma replied.

Naya just sighed and said, "Hugo give your sister back her lucky charm please." Hugo stopped running and walked to his sister and stretched his hand out to give her the lucky charm her parents made her and then he apologized.

"Em I'm feline sad, can you play with me paw~lease," Hugo slurred and began to laugh. "Ugh...why did dad have to teach you his cat puns!" Emma cried out.

Naya just chuckled and said, "Don't worry Em, your mom will try to stop him, Louis and your dad, she maybe lady luck but she won't have any luck trying to stop them from making puns because she has been trying to stop your dad for years but she still and always will be in love with him."

"You two stay here, I am going to see if Louis is finished so we can leave before your parents get back," Naya said walking towards Louis' room.

She knocked on his door and yelled, "Hey Louis, hun, are you ready to go?" "Yes aunty, I'm coming!" He exclaimed opening the door and running out, bumping straight into her.

"Hey, slow down kid," Naya said pulling him into a hug. "Sorry aunt Naya, I love you," he said shyly. "No worries kid, and I love you too," she said with a chuckle before placing a kiss his forehead.

"Em, Hu come to hold your brother's hand so we can get going to see your younger parents, aunts and uncles," Naya called to them, gesturing towards herself and Louis.

"Coming," Emma and Hugo said simultaneously

"Ready kids?" Naya asked making sure all of their hands were connected.

"Yup!" the kids yelled in unison.

"On three, 1...2...3.." Naya said, and just like that, they all disappeared from the mansion, in a puff of smoke.



"Thanks, Mari," Adrien said closing his books. Marinette let out a heavy breath and replied, "N-nO-O pr-problem A~Adrien." Marinette then walked back to her seat and began sketching some designs in her book.

"Okay class, since all of you have finished your work early today, you all may pack your bags and wait for the bell to ring signalling the end of the school day," Ms Bustier said as everyone cheered.

"Hello Ms Bustier," Luka and Kagami said simultaneously as they strolled into the classroom. They then shot confused glances at each other.

"Can I wait in here till the bell rings," they said again in unison, now looking at each other with more serious expressions.

"I have fencing with Adrien after school," Kagami said to Ms Bustier. "And I'm meeting with Kitty Section and Marinette," Lukas informed Ms Bustier, glaring at Kagami cross-eyed.

"No problem kids, the class is finished with their work so sit wherever you may please," Ms Bustier said with her usual perky attitude and a warm smile.

Luka and Kagami walked off to the desks to talk to Marinette and Adrien, Respectively.

10 Minutes Later

"Okay class, Listen up, the bell is going to ring in five minutes but I have to leave now, bye," Ms Bustier said speed-walking out of the class. "Bye Miss," all the students said.

A minute and a few seconds later three kids ran in with a dark-skinned woman trailing behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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