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Call Ended
Ko- who was that
Y- that was hailey asking if we wanted to skip
Ko - oh well y'all have fun
Y-cmon you can come to
(So Kobe and Yoni got up and went back to the classroom)
Kobe POV
We walked back into the classroom, and all eyes were on us .
S-took y'all long enough
Y-Shutup, anyways hailey asked if we wanted to skip today
Ev (Everybody) - I'm down
Y- bet , but she said give her about 20 min
Ev- okay
End Of Kobe POV
Mike POV
Ayo I'm Mike and I part of the crew , when people say the bullies of the crew Me and Vallyk don't rlly come to mind mostly it would be dejuane , derek, and Kobe but tbh I'm fine with that . I have a crush on Kobe gf eisha , I don't rlly know if their together are not there like and off and on type relationship I don't want to break the boy code but I have strong feeling for her , it's just rlly complicated but hopefully I can go with my move because it's obvious that Kobe has some type of feelings for yoni and that dejuane have feelings for Solai but that's kinda surprising because Kobe and dejuane dont rlly bully no one else other then them two but everyone else in the school still knows not to mess with them . End of Mikes POV
Solai's POV
Alright yall hailey just told me to meet her in the front of the school
Ev- ok
When we got there we saw hailey standing at our car.
Ha (Hailey)- Heyy you guyyyy..... uhm why are they here( Hailey said while looking at the boys)
Y- well I wouldn't say were friends but ig we aren't "enemies " anymore .
Ha- oh ok
Vallyk- so where are we going and how are we gonna finna in this car
(This is what the car looked like )

S- y'all wanna go to Chick-fil-A,Ev-sureS-and um well two in the front two in the back and four in the trunk , and sum ppl going to have to sit on someone's lap

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S- y'all wanna go to Chick-fil-A,
S-and um well two in the front two in the back and four in the trunk , and sum ppl going to have to sit on someone's lap .
Y- yeah everyone good with that
Ev- yep
(The seating arrangements were Solai driving Yoni in the passenger seat. Mattia , Ale , Mike , And Kobe in the trunk . Derek and Mike in the back while hailey sits on dereks lap.
Hailey's POV
It was kinda weird sitting in the same car with the same people who bullied my best friends but I guess I will get over it for Yoni and Solai . I wasn't very comfortable on Derek so I tried moving but he was sleep so I didn't move to much so I wouldn't wake him up.
Dereks POV
I was falling asleep when I felt that Hailey kept moving it was kinda uncomfortable but I didn't want to to make her uncomfortable so I just went back to sleep. Soon I heard Solai yelling" WAKE UP WERE HERE"
Solai's POV
WAKE UP WERE HERE , I soon as I said that Derek jumped and everyone started laughing especially Hailey .
S- calm down Hailey it ain't that funny
H- well it was funny to me
Y- whatever
We were walking in Chick-Fil-A when we say Mia my ex bsf and Eisha ,Kobe's on and off girlfriend sitting there . I turned around seeing mike couldn't keep his eyes off of eisha it seemed weird cs like isn't bro code or something not to steel your bro's ex or whatever. Maybe I'm just thinking to much about it .
Vallyk POV
We were walking into Chick-Fil-A and I was the only one who it knew that Mike had a crush on Eisha but I low key felt bad that I was keeping this big ass secrete from Kobe but , I'm just going to wait till Mike confesses or whatever he decides to do.
Nobody's POV
We were walking in and Solai, Yoni, and Hailey went to go order. Kobe didn't say a word to Eisha but that wasn't surprising . After everyone ordered and sat down we saw Eisha get up and go to the bathroom around 2 min later Mike got up and went to the bathbathroom.
Eisha POV
I saw Kobe and the boys and ugh the three rats walk in but I didn't pay no mine , I was expecting at least a hello from Kobe but nothing so I was gonna give him that same energy back. After awhile I needed to go pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was coming out the bathroom I felt someone pull me into a storage closet I screamed but they put their hand on my mouth. I turned around and seen mike and I finally had got out his grip . MIKE what are you doing let me out .
Mi- aye hold on let me talk to you
Ei- alright what do u want
Mi- will u be my gf
Ei- aren't u breaking boy code
Mi- who cares this could help u get back at Kobe
Ei- get back a Kobe for what
Mi- well you ain't here this from me but I heard Kobe was simping over yoni
Ei-that hoe, aight bet let's do it
Mi- bet
Ei- wait hold on what do u get out of this
Mi- well I mean you
I start to blush ☺️
As we walked back out the closet holding hand everyone was staring at us before we went to our separate tables mike kissed me on the cheek.
Kobe POV
I got mad at mike when I saw him kiss Eisha
Ko- ayo wth mike
Mi- wym she's mine now , you can go get with you hoe yoni
Yoni- who tf you calling a hoe
Ei- u tf
Yoni- wasn't no one talking to , but since you want to be all up in my mouth meet me outside .
Ei- bet
So we walked out side and here is what the fight looked like this:

Yoni is the girl in the pink , but think of it more intense.
Still Yoni's POV
As you were fight you feel someone pick u up and you we wiggling trying to get out of their grip but it was to hard so you stop , you turned around to see it was Kobe.
Kobe - calm down there ma
You got butterflies but you were still mad.
Y- I'm good now
Y'all all left and went to yours and Solai's house, except Mike he left with Eisha and Mia.

Me🦋- hope y'all enjoy this chapter and comment what y'all want to happen 🦋

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