Every Saturday

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It was our second year at Hogwarts and we had spent the summer at the burrow with the Weaslys I have gotten very close with Geroge. We would always play jokes on the weaslys with freds help of course. I might have only been second year but let me tell u smoking 'muggle-herbs' (weed) with them was the best. There so funny we were all singing and dancing about there room when Harry came in and decided to ruin the fun by telling my off and taking me to my room (ginny's room). We talked half the night about how we were going to Diagonally the next day to get our school stuff.

And off we were to diagonally we went by flu powder and I looked awful afterwards but it was okay because its not like i was going to run into him. Dean thomas he was just so hot and funny of course. Anyway we walk around the corner and who's there Dean Thomas himself. Fuck. I immediately turn the corner but its too late he's seen me... "Hey y/n!" he shouts "oh hey Dean um how's things?" I said awkwardly. Oh my god how stupid am I Jesus i thought to myself.  "Good see you at school tomorrow yea?" he said smiling at me. "Yep definitely" i say feeling my face go red. "Save you a seat at the table" he says smirking while walking off.

On the train I'm so excited to get to Hogwarts but my whole moods ruined when Draco struts in acting like he owns the place. "Thought I smelt mudblood" he said throwing hermione a dirty look "Easy on the hairgel malfoy"  I say darting my eyes at him. He leaves giving me a smug look, he looked kinda sad though but everyone else was laughing even crabe and goyle for god sakes. I paid no attention to it and went to sleep, then i was woke up after arriving at the platform 9 3/4.

We had food in the Great Hall and the first years got sorted into there houses, of course and then headed to the common room I went to my dorm and fell asleep early as i was extremely tired. I woke up and Hermonie was already gone i was late...Extremely late i rushed my uniform on and did not even have my shirt half buttoned tie not on right and messy hair. I was ready for laughter as soon as i walked into potions. Snape just looked at me and said "Beside Malfoy Potter" I took a seat beside malfoy and i had changed over the summer...alot I grew if thats what u want to call it he didn't pay attention to me until i asked what page we were at he looked over and said "three hundred and..."he looked me up and down and says "someone was busy" trying to act as if it was an insult. I look at him not understanding what he was insinuating then I realised he was staring at my unbuttoned shirt and not done tie. And that's when I realised i had really changed over summer just like malfoy he'd  gotten taller and his voice was deeper. I hit him on the head with my book "eyes up here malfoy"  i glared at him as he suddenly came out of his daydream "what page?" I sighed  "oh 397" he says stuttering a bit eyeing me down while i buttoned the shirt and fixed my tie.

We finished class and I was furious I Y/N POTTER PARTNERED WITH DRACO FUCKING MALFOY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THAT BAD IF HE DIDN'T KEEP EYEING ME UP AND DOWN. "Calm down y/n it could be worse...ok no it couldn't be worse..." said Hermione trying to calm be down. "Exactly Herminoe exactly. I just need to get my dinner and go to bed without any more stressful stuff."

I wake up extra early today and actually take the time to brush my hair put on some mascara and roll up my skirt i walk into the hall and Hermoine looks at me and says "is your skirt short enough
y/n" i look down i mean it's a little short but I've seen worse, anyway we headed to charms class then potions and guess what were assigned with. A project for amortentia we had to write down what we smelt and then make Alihosty Draught a potion that causes hysterical laughter.

Every Saturday me and draco would work and study on this project either at my dorm his or the library even the astronamy tower sometimes or in his favorite tree, we always had somewhere. And me and Draco oddly got closer and eventually i knew a lot about him he was one of my best friend's you could say i understood him and didn't hate him as much anymore. (surprising i know)

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