Lunch (Shulk x reader)

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“HEYA!” you yelled swinging at your opponent. Kirby flew out of the arena as you emerged victorious. As you took your place as first for the match, you heard a voice off to your side

“First again I see” said Shulk, grinning at you from the sidelines. You walked over to him and smiled. After each brawl your best friend, Shulk, was always there to congratulate you.

“Hey lets get some lunch” you said, striding toward the exit. “I’m STARVING” The blond chuckled behind you, but then followed you to the cafeteria.

“So when’s your next brawl?” you mumbled, stuffing your face with (f/f).

“I’m with Samus, Pit and Pikachu, but I have some time” he smiled. Shulk had already eaten, but you swore that he had no sense of taste at all, whatever you gave him, it was always ‘amazing’ in his perspective. You sighed. Maybe he didn’t have any sense of taste at all?It was a mystery indeed.

“(y/n)!” You heard him yell, knocking the train of thought right out of you. 

“What? W-what did I miss?” you stuttered as you brought yourself back to Earth.

“I said, what were you thinking about? You seemed pretty out of it,” he said, then added “More than usual,” 

“Hey!” You said, pulling a pouty face and glaring at him

“But seriously (y/n), what WERE you thinking about?” he questioned agin.

“Puzzling over if you have a sense of taste or not,” you said simply, returning your attention back to your lunch. He smirked, but you didn’t notice as you were far to busy eating

“You know, I do have a sense of taste…” he started

“M-hm” You mumbled between mouthfuls. You didn’t see his hands carefully making their way to your plate,

“ For (f/f)!” he exclaimed as he snatched your plate and took off.

“Hey! Shulk!” you yelled after him, mouth still full of food. You swallowed and took off after the boy.

Ugh! Where could that shulk be? You wondered as you searched smash mansion’s gardens. First he had taken your lunch and then disappeared with it and, to make matters worse, you were hungrier than ever! Suddenly, behind a bush, you saw the hilt of a familiar red blade and made your way towards it as quietly as you could. And there he was, sitting under the bush and finishing your lunch. YOUR lunch! You wouldn’t stand for this and, without thinking, you tackled him from behind. Before you or Shulk knew what was happening, the plate was launched into the air.

“NNNOOOOOO!” You cried as you lunged forward but missed the plate by centimeters, your fingertips grazing only air. You landed with a thud on top of Shulk, who let out a groan. Finally you realized that you were on top of him and rolled off. When he got up, he didn’t look to happy.

“Heh heh…” you said sheepishly, scratching that back of your head “ You alright?” 

“ Yeah, I’m fine…” He muttered, rubbing his shoulder. He was so obviously not fine, you thought to yourself. better apologize.

“Look Shulk, I’m really sorry ‘bout that…” you trailed off once more to find the monado boy staring at you oddly

“What?…” He leaded closer to you, so close that you felt his breath ruffle your (h/c) hair. You felt yourself turn scarlet at his nearness.Wait, why? he was just your best friend, right? Or was he something more to you…

“You have some food on your nose” He said, startling you out of your thoughts for the second time that day. You blushed even more now knowing you had something on your nose, and immediately raised a hand to wipe it off, but was caught mid way by his hands. 

“Shulk?” You said aloud, wiping it off with your shoulder instead.

“I think now is a good time to tell you…..” he stared deep into your (e/c) eyes with his cerulean ones “I like you a lot..and…” he started to loose his words. You then tightened his grip on his hands.

“I like you a lot too Shulk” You said with a smile

“No! Like, more than as a friend-“ He started, but you cut him off once more.

“I know” you whispered, leaning in. His eyes widened in wonder at what was happening, your lips were inches apart as you closed your eyes and kissed him. His lips were soft and became welcoming as he relaxed. You pulled away moments later and hugged the monado boy as he embraced you back.

“I love you (y/n).” He whispered in your ear, tickling your neck with his breath. Everything was perfect until your stomach growled. You flushed from embarrassment while he just snickered and stood up. 

“Come on, I’m starving!” He said with a small laugh as you got up and entwined your hand with his. Together, you walked back to smash mansion.

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