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Tony was a scientist. He was famous for his inventions. The best one was his iron man suit. He was already a billionaire, but he wanted to expand his business. His company didn't have anything relevant to medicine, so that was Tony's starting point.

A couple months later, after his idea, business was booming. Tony was surprisingly good at selling his medicine to pharmacies all across America. No side affects had been brought up yet which was a good sign. Tony was slowly starting to stack up the dollars.

Half way into September, Tony was in his lab trying to perfect a pill he was developing. This was probably the hardest pill he had made. Even though he spent ages making it, he still wasn't sure if it was suitable for humans. He was mixing some chemicals in a test tube when Steve Rogers came in, the infamous Captain America.
"Hey Tony. Working hard I see"
"Yep, trying to perfect this drug. This may be able to cure exma, but I just need a test subject to see if it is suitable for humans".

Steve thought for a moment.
" I have exma on my wrist, you could try it on me".
He had sparked Tony's interest.
"Are you sure, the side affects may be harmful".
"Sure, its my job to help people and this will do it, so I am willing to help"
"OK, if your sure"

Tony walked over to the glass container containing the pill and handed it to Steve with a glass of water.
"Put the pill in your mouth then down it with water".
Steve did so and Tony got a piece of paper. Steve let out a small burp.

" So" Tony started to analyse any affects caused by the pill,"are you feeling any cold symptoms eg runny nose, forming cough?"
"No, not feeling ill"
"Any weakness"
"Nope, I actually feel stronger slightly"
Tony raised an eyebrow and wrote it down. While he was doing this, Steve absent mindedly rubbed his stomach, that felt more jutted out but Steve ignored it.
"Any blurry vison?"
"No, by eyesights fine"
Suddenly a growl erupted from Steve's stomach and both men looked down. Gradually, Steve's belly was getting rounder...and bigger...

Steve looked at Tony with wide eyes.
"Tony...what's happening?..."
An other pound gurgle and his belly surged further an inch.
"I...I...I don't know Steve, how are you feeling?"
Tony picked up his notepad again, but Steve was too distracted to realise.
"God....so tight"
Another gurgle, another inch.
Steve let out a loud, uncontrollable burp to relieve pressure. Tony scribbled down gas on the list.

5 mins later, Steve's inflating belly was getting out of hand. It was making loud creaking sounds. It sounded as if was about to pop. Around Steve's belly button, a shade of red was forming. Steve was moaning due to the pressure. Another loud gurgle. But this time, it did the complete opposite. His belly was gone. No gurgles, no gas, no pain.

Steve was left panting.
"What was that?!"
"I don't know, possibly a bad reaction"
Steve rubbed his back but normal stomach in mixture of relief and confusion.
"At least its over now"
Steve's stomach growled. He got nervous for a second but nothing happened, he was just hungry.
"Wanna get something to eat? I'm starving"
Steve left and so did Tony but not before adding to his list.



Steve Rogers X Tony Stark WGWhere stories live. Discover now