I hate you

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As Elizabeth and Adam were climbing down the treehouse ladder. Cale was busy getting wasted with Neil and Autumn.

"You sure you want to chew out Cale in public?" Adam asked.

"Adam, I just want to say something." She replied.

"Cale, Cale, Cale!" The people chanted.

Elizabeth slides open the back door as Cale sees her upset and with Adam.

"Adam, what did you do my girlfriend?" He yelled.

As he walked up to them, Elizabeth stepped in the way to block Cale. She just started to cry out of nowhere.

"Cale, do you even love me, or did just want me?" She wept.

"Beth, I love you where are you getting this idea from." He replied.

Then hugged her as she pushed him away with a serious look on her face.

"Hey, Elizabeth what are you doing?" Cale asked.

"It's over the only time you pay me attention was when adam got to me first and after that, you showed no feels towards me." She explained.

"Caley it's time to leave and make sure you bring your drunk friends with you," Adam whispers in his ear.

Then Cale just pushed Adam out the way to Elizabeth. Of course, Adam not taking the shit from Cale just tapped his shoulder.

"Just give up she over you," Adam said.

Cale wasn't having it today because he was not giving up the best thing that happens to him.

And out of nowhere, he punches Adam right in his gut. Elizabeth ran to help Adam up ad Cale noticed what he did.

"Party over!" She called out.

"Beth please don't pick him over me," Cale begged.

"Cale goes home and makes sure you bring your ego with you, I'm sick of your lies on how you love me." She announced.

He was shocked to know that she was picking the self-centered liar over him.

"You think I'm self-centered Jerk wait until Adam uses you just for his gain," Cale said.

The guests left as Adam and his bandmates hang out until Adam could breathe right.

"Adam, I'm so sorry I didn't know Cale would punch you like that," Elizabeth said.

"It's ok, I'm used to it but he's usually less hurtful." Adam gasped.

After a few minutes had to pass Adam gets to still feel the sting of the punch. As he lifts his shirt to see a bruise that his cousin had caused.

"Shit, he could have done the damage," Elizabeth said touching the bruise.

"Is all right if I crash on your couch for tonight?" He asked.

As she was touching his bruise Adam felt weird. What was she doing and why was Adam's body tingling for her?

"I never asked why did cale call you beth and it was the last half of your name." Adam moaned.

"I don't know and I don't care." She replied.

Adam gripped the couch as she continued to soothe the bruise just by lightly touching it.

"Fuck that feels so good after the punch."  He moaned.

Was Elizabeth trying to turn him on because it was working? She looks up with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Elizabeth, I want us as a couple, please it is like we were meant to be and I just can't live without you." He cried.

"Adam, I have to think about last I got a confession I jumped into the relationship too fast." She replied.

"So you did break up with Cale then he will not mind if I do this." He said.

As Adam French kissed her then proceed to strip them on the couch. Elizabeth wants to sleep with Adam.

But Cale was being an ass and something about Adam and her together was just amazing.

"Adam do you love or do you just want sex?" She asked.

"Yes, I do and I understand  want to hold off on the sex." He replied.

Elizabeth knew the way Adam talked that he was sincere about his love for her.

So just for tonight, she chose to be with Adam instead of telling her body telling her to screw him.

"You know if you do this Cale will be pissed and try to ruin us," Adam said.

"I know but I don't care, I realize I love you and not Cale." She tried.

As she and adam screwed around on the couch. Cale was home flipping out that Elizabeth dumped him.

"God what's wrong with me, the one girl I like dumped me and now Adam is sweet-talking his way into her pants." He cried.

Cale had a surprise for Elizabeth that he was going to announce at the party but couldn't.

Now he screwed up and his cousin was now with his ex-girlfriend/next-door neighbor.

How will Cale show her that he does care but on his own?  Adam is showing her that she is very special to him.

Who will win the battle as Elizabeth gets caught in the mid-fire of the cousin's big fight on school grounds?

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